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[–] [deleted] 10 pts

Loans are fine without fractional reserve banking. It's when they magick money out of thin air that I have a problem with it. If I did the same thing the banks are doing they'd throw me in jail.

[–] 4 pts

Whenwe do it its called "counterfeiting" when banks dk fractional reserve its just "how it works". Fucking jews.

[–] 3 pts

its actually way worse with fractional reserve than you think. there is something called paper gold, it is the exact same thing as a fiat currency except with gold. they say there is gold there but the ratio of paper gold to real gold isnt controlled/regulated once so ever so they can print as much as they want and stupid investors believe they own the physical gold, if they got a run on gold 99% of investors would not have the asset they believe they own

[–] 2 pts

There is "paper silver" too.

[–] 1 pt

If you don't have the lump of metal in your possession, it's paper.

[–] 0 pt

Good place to learn about fractional reserve banking?

[–] 6 pts

Read The Creature From Jekyll Island

[–] 2 pts

Mike Maloney on Youtube.

Hes a silver peddler but has good info about fractional reserve lending.

Fun Fact: under Trump and Covid, FRL was changed so that banks no longer need to hold even 10%. They can loan money with no reserves. Its one of a couple ways money is created.

[–] 1 pt
[–] 0 pt

Thank you very much. So in basically every country there is a "federal reserve" that is owned by the jews or what is that bank referred to?

[–] 0 pt

If the jews didn't fuck around, how should money operate?

[–] 0 pt

The lolbert vivaciously patches the cracks in his ideological foundation

[–] 0 pt

Pretty sure they call that private investing. Because that would mean people investing in each other which would really be the best for society.

If people were untrustworthy people wouldn't invest in them. Also the hood nogs could invest in each other legally through the bank.

At least theoretically.

[–] 5 pts

Yet another problem with banks, the FDIC insuring of depositors. If people actually took on the risk of each bank, they would shop more carefully and rein in their risky practices. Each bank's money would be worth different based on how risky they were.

[–] 6 pts

Prices quickly grow to the maximum estimated monthly payment the slave can afford and the slave usually vastly overstimates what that can be long term leaving them forever in debt slavery.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Then his neighbor has to be willing to match his stupidity or live in squalor. lol

[–] 2 pts

And then (((they))) graciously forgive debts for those that declare bankruptcy. Out of their own generous pockets they repay the loans and let the person become solvent. What saints.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 2 pts

And bank loans create money from thin air. They don't even have that money to loan, they just write a check that they can't cash. All the banks are in cahoots so they accept each other's checks. All this drives down the value of the dollar... making things cost even more. What a racket.

[–] 2 pts

The Free Market ™ is whatever the courts decide it is. You can have a complete lack of government intervention in the market except for the courts and you will still end up with the scum rising to the top because organized fraud exists. There's no nonviolent way to resolve this because ultimately fraud is just hidden violence.

[–] 3 pts

ultimately fraud is just hidden violence.

Very effective reframing.

I used to call it indirect violence, but I think your wording is even better.

[–] 1 pt

same thing with cars

average person cant afford a brand new pickup at 60k+ so the cars get leased and people end up buried in debt from the leases rolling over into the next. they'll add 5k+ at the end of the lease for stuff that doesnt exist which you end up owing in the next car.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Well, that is demonstrably untrue.

50k cars are sold all the time in huge quantities and the loans are held by copmanies that charge real interest rates. So, that is false.

700k condos are sold all the time in huge quantities and the loans are held by copmanies that charge real interest rates. So, that is false.

The only difference between the above and expensive universities is that the interest payments are deffered until graduation. After which you are paying that back, you cannot even declare bankruptsy to get it absolved.

Sure, the interest rates are cheap now, and probably artificially so. Sure, if interest rates went up to 10% maybe 50% of people would defualt on their loans. But the reality is actually this:

  • The market CLEARLY wants all this stuff and will go into debt to finance all the things they want. ESPECIALLY if they are expensive. Hell, people go into debt for cheap things all the time, cheque cashing places exist because people are dumb.

  • We have just had people largely uneployed or low on employment for more than a year. The amount of elasticity in the personal financial of individuals is far far far greater than we ever thought. We used to think if people had to stay at home for a year everything crashes. Nope, not true.

  • We also learned that if you keep people home for a year largely unemployed that the demand would go away and the economy would die. Nope, not true at all. Everyone is dying to find employees because demand is so high.

Everything this post is talking about is bullshit.

Yeah, it's cheap to borrow 600k for a degree, but not after you graduate. People are totally happy to borrow and get in debt.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

LOL, as much as I hate loans, prices won't lower to meet a new price point. A $300,000 McMansion still requires a certain amount of lumber and concrete and labor. You aren't going to get a $1,000 McMansion just because that's what the Average American has cash on hand.

What's going to happen is, people will start buying 20' shipping containers.

It's not the same thing.

Here's what you do. You bite the bullet and take out a loan. Why? Because that's just the game you have to play. Don't go through the bank. Get a loan from mom and dad, and pay them back because they are kin.

But, you buy the smallest cheapest shithole trailer on a quarter acre that YOU own. Pay it off as soon as you can. Highest priority.

Fix it up a little. Improve it. Live in it a few years after it's paid off. Meanwhile, you are charging yourself rent. Save that money. Sell the trailer at profit and upgrade.

Wash rinse and repeat, without the loan this time.

[–] 0 pt


I asked Poal about this once and there were some good responses.

[–] 0 pt

Haven't thought about it like that before. It's an interesting point and I can't immediately find fault with that logic.

[–] 1 pt

Certainly the case with academia, they set their tuition rates based on loan maximums for christsake.

[–] 0 pt

The point is wrong.

Loans are instant gratification. That's what we pay interest on.

People would still buy homes and cars at similar prices but they have to wait much longer. And chances are what you get for your money is less

[–] 0 pt

Yeah but if everyone is waiting longer to buy then people lower the price if they're trying to sell is the point. Like if you want to move or need a bigger house because you had another kid.

It's actually hard to accurately predict what will happen since economics is such a complex system but there could be a ton of bad side effects from the usury system that were just desensitized to so we think it's normal.

[–] 0 pt

Price is set by demand vs supply.

Supply is artificially low because of bureaucracy.

Now you can argue that demand is artificially high because loans increase buying power.

I say that this is wrong.

Shelter isn't a want . It's a need. People need shelter and will always demand one. And it doesn't matter if every person owns one home or one in a hundred people own one hundred homes and 99 rent.

The demand is constant.

Where demand is actually artificially high is once again due to bureaucrats. Immigration and rental laws and inflation.

[–] 0 pt

I am currently getting one of these fake loans to buy 5 acres in a small town...I get what op is saying but I'd rather have a farmstead based on lies then live in the city any longer

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