This site is a free speech news and opinion aggregator. It’s a pharmacy dispensing red pills, and a drugstore counter where we can meet and discuss our interests without the unyielding flow of normie shitbags, conservatards, boomers, zoomers, kikes, niggers, faggots, slide threaders, and other NPCs.
We have no tolerance for child pornographers, brother-war mongers, bankers, or any of the other attributes, trades and hobbies of the international jewry, and even less for those who blindly give allegiance to the jew out of fear, greed, or what is rapidly becoming willful ignorance.
I agree with all of that except this
trades and hobbies of the international jewry
they indoctrinate others into that societal structure. I will not blame a young man for being a young man. None of us are immune to progaganda. It's all a matter of timing w/ in the context of our lives.
By “trades and hobbies of the international jewry” I refer to an umbrella concept of their illegal, unethical and immoral pursuits.
(post is archived)