I read once majority chosen to be drafted were conservative, and majority of draft dodgers were Jews
The Jews in the weapons industry and the medical fields...
The jews. Hard to kill whites who won’t volunteer to die.
I'd hate to be in the late teens to mid 20s right now. The jews are foaming at the mouth to send more goys to war and none are answering the call. (Rightfully so)
...and I point this out to as many young men as possible. Until the playing field is leveled, don't go. Societally, young men are so vilified, demonized, and generally run down, that it defies logic. The military is not the place for young men anymore. Get into an apprenticeship, learn a trade, journey out, work and live within your means. There are a lot of older guys getting ready to retire, and qualified tradies will be in short supply. Think 15 years ahead. Don't get vaxxed. Same 15 years...your blood and sperm will also be valuable.
your actually way out of line here
What about Afghanistan. Irag, we need a draft for you pussys of today.
LBJ (vvmf.org).
When there weren’t enough volunteers to meet the needs of the military, the Selective Service System (the draft) was used to cover the shortfall. After WWII, the U.S. maintained a “peacetime” draft, so the draft already was in place as the U.S. deepened its involvement in Vietnam. In 1965, President Johnson doubled monthly draft calls to 35,000.
your not old enough to ask this
(post is archived)