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No /s/poland, also don't care.

No /s/poland, also don't care.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

When the cross of Jesus was put in a bottle of urine the liberal media,ourJewish government and world called it art. No one did nothing. When they drew a picture of Mohamed mocking him they called it hate speech. Made a big deal out of some cartoon. Blamed Bengasi on some video with 10 views. Now the Jewish media and our Jewish run US government are going after their own. Why? Is this to stimulate support for Israel and Judaism as they did in 1946 when they pushed for the state of Israel. Their is a secrete motive here, why the media is not calling them out on this anti Jewish actions. It may be they are using this to get when it all done much of the middle east under their control and building their temple.