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[–] 17 pts

If it saves a single life, they're willing to let everyone waiting for an organ transplant to die.

Ironically, the donor organs will likely have to come from unvaxxed as the vaxxed people organs will be damaged beyond use.

[–] 1 pt

They will harvest what is left of the good organs, and jab it with the shot.

[–] 2 pts

Maybe the unvaccinated removed from the donor list who are facing death should take a few of the hospital C suite executives with them to the afterlife...In meinkraft.

[–] -14 pt

they're willing to let everyone waiting for an organ transplant to die

No, just the unvaccinated. If the unvaccinated won't do the most basic thing for their health, a doctor shouldn't either. Same way a drunk who fell won't get priority in an emergency ward

[–] 13 pts

And what are you suggesting is the most "basic" thing for their health? Taking an experimental gene therapy treatment, which doesn't offer sterilizing immunity for a highly survivable virus?

Christ you people are stupid.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

So fat people shouldn't get treatment?
STD carriers?

You are really special! Thanks for stopping by.

[–] 2 pts

Glownigger agitator spotted

[–] 0 pt

You mean drinking water? I drink water every day.

[–] 0 pt

Just like the Nuremberg laws state, "You must accept mandatory injections or suffer the consequences." Or something like that, I don't know why so many people get stuck up on the little things when all we are talking about is basic human rights.

[–] 15 pts

Remember when we all needed to get the vax because of herd immunity and to protect people who are seriously ill, have compromised immune system, or in cancer treatment can't get the vax. Now seriously ill people must get the jab, and herd immunity doesn't in places like Iceland where 83+% of people are fully vaccinated yet all of the "social distancing" measures have been reinstated. The goal posts are moving so quick it's hard to keep track.

[–] 10 pts

Gas is expensive I'm gonna hitch a ride on these goal posts

[–] 4 pts

Put me in the screencap

[–] 0 pt

Me too please, this is great

[–] 4 pts

If that is original, that is a GREAT line.

[–] 1 pt

Hey, have you ever considered generating power from your goal posts? They're always moving.

[–] 1 pt

You made this

[–] -1 pt

It's almost like knowledge of a new virus changes the more we learn.

This virus has changed everything we knew about virology! Herd immunity and quarantine have been completely redefined.

Now we have asymptomatic spread, and reinfection. So much new stuff to learn!

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

Medical malpractice law suits in 3......2.......1

[–] 2 pts

Lol, it's Ireland though.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Damn, Ireland fell so hard, so fast. They died fighting off the British, and then they became them. LOL. Faggots are everywhere.

[–] 6 pts

In other news, demand for unvaccinated sperm donations has skyrocketed.

[–] 1 pt

If theory paying I'm whacking

[–] 1 pt

Okay, investing in cryogenic tech now.

[–] 1 pt

I might participate if I can examine the recipients thoroughly to be sure worthy, healthy, of good Euro genetics and I can do the injection personally.

[–] 3 pts

this is the exact converse of what should be happening. they should not be wasting viable organs on those that will be dead or seriously ill in 6 to 36 months

[–] 3 pts

the response to this is simple: if your country implements something like this, then take steps to remove yourself from organ donation lists, and MAKE SURE THE RELEVANT AGENCIES KNOW WHY. tell them that since they are not giving organs to the unvaccinated, you are no longer willing to donate your organs in the event of your death. you can hurt them a lot more than they can hurt you

I wouldn't donate organs either way, unless it's to a family member.

some states have "presumed consent" and you are a donor by default. I believe the only way you can change that is actively opting out but that will put you at a disadvantage if you or your family ever needs a transplant. Possibly a work-around is "direct donation" to a specific person like a family member.

[–] 0 pt

You shouldn't donate organs anyway. There are only a couple of organs that a dead person can donate, all the rest need to come from a living a donor. So they may just say you are dead, give you a paralytic so you don't scare anyone and cut you apart without pain relief. Hopefully you are unconscious and/ or unable to feel pain due to brain or nerve damage but they wouldn't need the paralytic if most people were not alive and in pain while being killed for their organs.

All organs are transplantable from brain dead and "cardiac death" organ donors. The longer a body is dead, the less likely organs will be viable for transplant.

[–] 0 pt

Brain "death", cardiac "death" and all forms of clinical "death" are all forms of legal fiction. A person is dead when they are a decomposing corpse and alive when breathing, heart beating and thinking - the exact point of death is often indeterminate but the two opposites are clear. You cannot bring the dead back to life, but people whose hearts have stopped have been helped back to full function of life and "brain dead" people too have recovered given adequate time and support.

The reason (most) organs cease to be viable for transparent in time is because they start decomposing quickly after death. If you keep a person alive as you carefully cut their organs out you can quickly transplant them with minimal damage to the individual organs and high rates of transplant success. If transporting the organs is done without care (especially cooling) and most importantly speed the chance of successful transplant is low.

[–] 2 pts

Yes, this is about saving lives goyim... What's that? No vax? No organ transplant for you. Should've thought about that before you needed this vital organ.

[–] 2 pts

They're being unpersoned.

[–] 1 pt

Bet they're not removing donors ... just to show that it's not about health and all about punishing others.

[–] 1 pt

So, if yer jabbed ya cannot donate blood; but if yer not jabbed ya cannot donate organs? Sounds hinky.

[–] 0 pt

who says you can't donate blood if vaxed?

[–] 0 pt

Red Cross. They change their mind?

[–] 0 pt

according to what i can find on the net they must have. but it could be that they are forced to accept vaxxed blood so it won't alarm the idiots who were vaxxed, but afterwards, they will trash all vaxxed blood. reason i could buy that is because a few months back my home state revealed that they could not accept vaxxed plasma, but it seems this is no longer the case.

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