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MSM follow up, joke of an article, meant to try to scare you from attempting similar events in the future:

https://www.sltrib.com/news/2021/05/05/anti-mask-protesters/ "The district has received “an overwhelming number of emails” since the protest in support of health officials and the mask mandate, Horsley said."

MSM follow up, joke of an article, meant to try to scare you from attempting similar events in the future: https://www.sltrib.com/news/2021/05/05/anti-mask-protesters/ "The district has received “an overwhelming number of emails” since the protest in support of health officials and the mask mandate, Horsley said."

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Don't put your kids in public school.

Teach them yourselves. If you can't. You shouldn't have children.

[–] 4 pts

Thats not true. Teaching is a skill jist like carpentry or writing or building a rocket ship or sailing. It takes a person who is good at it to teach well.

The problem isn't schools. The problem is bad teachers with a low entry bar to an easy job. The problem is forced curriculum and beauracracy.

Don't just "home school" your kids. Gather together in groups, find GOOD TEACHERS and form your own schools for your children so they get the social, emotional, and curriculum education they need to be well rounded people. This is de wey.

[–] 0 pt

Teaching is a skill jist like carpentry or writing or building a rocket ship or sailing... The problem is bad teachers with a low entry bar to an easy job.

"...an easy job."

You already contradicted yourself with the truth. Teaching is not a skill comparable to carpentry, let alone building a rocket ship, making such a comparison is ridiculous.

The forced curriculum and bureaucracy are just symptoms of the disease that is the teachers unions. Banish them, don't allow a union member to hold office in school districts. it's the unions Vs parents and the rest of us.

Superintendents should be a local parent not professionally/personally affiliated with the schools, teachers, or their unions.

[–] 1 pt

An easy job as in easy entry. Any job is an easy job if you are bad at it The problem is they let people be bad at it. And you are absolutely right about the unions

[–] 0 pt

Seriously, teaching is hard. When I managed my first IT helpdesk, I had to take classes to better train my people.

Teachers, at least here, need 4 years of school, plus training time in a real school.

[–] 0 pt

My state you just need a Bachelor's in anything to be a teacher in anything.

[–] 0 pt

In that was the case, homeschool kids would be under performing public school kids, however it’s the exact opposite.

[–] 0 pt

Teachers needing 4 years and training time is nothing but time. The current low effort bar for an education degree is pathetic. Thats the problem, if you pay them money they pass you and say here's a degree go teach our children.

There needs to be a high bar set to even entertain the idea of becoming a teacher.

[–] 0 pt

No the curriculum is toxic and anti-white. It needs to be entirely redone. And the authoritarian school system with no debate just propaganda is bullshit

[–] 0 pt

..... thats literally part of what I said, while having nothing to do with what I said lol. The curriculum is part of the problem but my point was that teaching is hard and not everyone can homeschool and be good at it. We should develop our own private schooling instead. With good curriculum. Not the jewganda.

[–] 2 pts

You should kick the faggot school board out of their jobs.

Then homeschool anyway.

[–] 1 pt

Or do what I do - teach mostly at home and sent my son for his high school science classes ONLY. I don't have an entire lab in my house and he likes the subject so he is enrolled in the local school for that one subject only.