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[–] 5 pts 3y

I disagree. He's never been convincing. He's always subversive. And it's always been painfully obvious. The issue isn't that he's a good speaker, or highly intelligent: the issue is that others (you included I guess) trust to easily. Stop. If you ever go into a situation where you don't immediately assume everyone in the situation is ALL of; - lying - has malicious intent - hates you

You're setting yourself up for failure. When I tell people that they ALL WITHOUT FAIL cry about how I need to be more positive. I would argue that all evil on Earth exists due to people being positive. This is shown with the simple set of lines on "Weak men create hard times -> hard time create strong men -> strong men create easy times -> easy times create weak men".

[–] 3 pts 3y

I know this may shock you but I disagree with your point and stand by mine. Shapiro's rhetoric has convinced many people. Just because it doesn't work on you or me doesn't mean it isn't real.

His technique of argument is effective on most people he debates with. Yes, that's not the toughest crowd to win an argument against but it is still, be definition, effective.

[–] 3 pts 3y

Not shocking at all. I don't think it had anything to do with "his rhetoric" but rather that people are too trusting. You put someone on sodium pentothal and get them to agree with you doesn't mean your rhetoric is high IQ. What do you think abnormally high E women + abnormally low T men + soy + BPA plastics + aluminum in food + jew porn + extremely abnormal oxytocin use/function create? They create a heavily sedated, drugged person.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

I'm positive that Trump was inserted to fool the world, and he did.

[–] 1 pt 3y

You're clearly smarter than the average TV viewer. That's his audience, not people with triple digit IQs.

[–] 0 pt 3y

It's not necessarily their fault or tied to IQ though. I explained somewhere at a very basic level how it's forced by way of drugs, nonfood, and chemical / hormonal disruption.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I consume the same shit and I've seen through the bullshit since I was a child. Critical thinking can be taught, but it's very much tied to IQ.

[–] 0 pt 3y

If you ever go into a situation where you don't immediately assume everyone in the situation is ALL of; - lying - has malicious intent - hates you

Civilization is built by high trust. Unless you propose this as an emergency measure, you set yourself up for long-term failure