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doN't deAdnAMe me moM

EDIT: Looks like this guy posted the same video 2 hours before me. He found his on Liveleak. It's the same video. Don't want to steal this guys thunder.


doN't deAdnAMe me moM **EDIT:** Looks like this guy posted the same video 2 hours before me. He found his on Liveleak. It's the same video. Don't want to steal this guys thunder. https://poal.co/s/Woke/349148

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 3y

Schitzos don't all have split personalities. The schism is with reality, they have trouble deciding what's reall and what's imaginary.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The schism is with reality, they have trouble deciding what's reall and what's imaginary.

That explains so much about what we see going on right now.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Schizophrenia is often a consequence of bad laced drugs. To the extent that it is genetic or from congenital conditions, that would provide a baseline. If we are having an increase a good place to look is people taking weirder and dumber drugs, sometimes handled by complete morons who put random chemicals in them to "get people more fucked up."

It's a good reason for the darknet to become popular where large scale sellers with a relationship with direct accountability to the buyer sells on an open forum where their product can be criticized, instead of by deebs trying to make their shit weed sell higher because they owe their dealer money for it that they don't think they can pull.

It's also a good reason to just legalize drugs generally and have CVS sell it. They aren't going to add random chemicals from ebay that are going to make you permenently fucked up.

I'm anti-drug completely but I've seen enough friends become permanently useless. It's time to get rid of this black market bullshit.

That was not meant to be an endocement of darknet markets. Currently they are too broken up, volume is too low, and sellers don't imagine any market they are on is a permanent home, leading to the same potential for bullshit.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt 3y
[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

But they do often have multiple competing inner voices in their heads. Shirley, you knew that?