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Yeah, I know, many of you have heard this a thousand times, but there is always new comers that need to get the full effect.

I wish you well in the wars to come. Cheers all!

Yeah, I know, many of you have heard this a thousand times, but there is always new comers that need to get the full effect. I wish you well in the wars to come. Cheers all!

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 3y

When the native africans took over S.A.

Wrong. The Bantu (the group we usually call black people) are not the indigenous people of SA. They only started arriving there in the last 1000 years. Up until around 3000 years ago, the two genetic populations that dominated basically all of sub saharan africa were

  1. Khoisan/sandawe/hadza aka bushmen, clicky language people (Y-chromosome A, mtDNA group L0)

  2. Pygmies/Central African foragers. (Y-chromosome B, mtDNA group L1, L5

The other two groups of blacks in sub-saharan africa, the most populous ones are

  1. West African/Bantu (Y-chromosome E, mtDNA group L2,L3)

  2. East Africans (Y-chromosome E , mtDNA group L2, L3, and a few other groups, some of which are clearly late arrivals from Asia)

The first two groups are hunter gatherers which split of from other humans genetically around 150,000 years ago.

The other much more populous groups only split off from non-africans around 70,000 years ago. It is not at all clear whether L3 and Y-chromosome E originated in Africa. Y-chromosome E is more closely related to D, which is seen in some East Asians.

Its been shown recently that the dominant population in Cameroon was Pygmy 3000 years ago, by fossils. The Bantu expansion theory which states that Bantus expanded out of a West Afrian homeland to take over Pygmy and Khoisan territory is only partially correct— West African/Bantu group was not native to West Africa either !

They may have begun invading Khoisan and Pygmy territories from Sahara or Arabia homelands because of increasing aridification of those areas, or because of a technological development like metallurgy or agriculture, or perhaps pressure from Eurasians.

Blacks are not the indigenous people of subsaharan africa. They genocided Khoisan and Pygmies slowly over the last 3000 years. They only recently arrived in SA, about the same time as the Dutch and Portuguese. Only the Khoisan, and to some extent the mixed Cape Coloureds can really claim to be native.

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[–] 0 pt 3y

Nice post, but, um. Are you really a woman? This seems like a "male" post. Hopefully no insult. I just can't see how a woman learned all this making sandwiches all day grin .

Also, I have limited knowledge that the super negro Bantu are a plague even among the nigger Africans. Cheers darling!

E: Hopefully you take me post as intended.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I am just as much a woman as anyone else. Being born with male genitalia has nothing to do with my womanhood!

Nah jk, I might be a little atypical for a woman but I promise you, some of us are capable of learning shit when we redirect our intellectual faculties away from james charles makeup videos.

I must admit I rarely find as much intelligent conversation in a room full of women as I do around some guys though.

I have no idea what triggered that autistic dump about africans the other day. From time to time I pick up one of these anthopological/genetic studies to see what I can learn because I feel like we are on the brink of learning who people really are and where we were living in history and who we mixed with; and all that stuff is the key to why we act the way we do.

It was such a revelation to me to find that black (our blacks ) arent native to southern and central africa, until very recently. The possibility that they may have evolved outside africa is an idea that could really destroy certain jewish narratives.

I love makin sammiches, mostly for myself, but for anyone I like. :)

[–] 0 pt 3y

Being born with male genitalia has nothing to do with my womanhood!


Nah jk

Woman, know your place. You are doing yourself no favors.

... we redirect our intellectual faculties away from james charles makeup videos.

I have a fetish with watching women put on makeup. I will check that out. Not joking.

I love makin sammiches, mostly for myself, but for anyone I like. :)

Holy shit you are awesome.

Your husband is a lucky man.