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[–] 2 pts (edited )

>I'm just pointing out how ridiculous it is to call people "nazis" and "communists" in the same fucking breath.

No you get triggered every time hitler or the nazis are negatively portrayed. Because you're a voatfag

Both nazi germany and the soviet union were dicatorships with secret police persecuting political opponents. And as the commenters below rightfully pointed out:

>I think he's based in the sense that he doesn't back down from an overwhelming force in order to protect his (and his Church's) rights.

>It is effective. They are oh shit, we are white!!!

See? Those guys still have a functioning brain, they get it, while you're just a fragile kneejerk emofag with a fetish for hitler. You completely missed the point.

Now you can vote that down too, to feel secure, you brainwashed moron

[–] 0 pt

Yawn, cry moar faggot, you're another one that hates and despises anyone standing up for the white race and Europeans as a whole, go pay some more taxes for tyrone and jessicas little nigglets you little simp ...

[–] 0 pt

>Yawn, cry moar faggot, you're another one that hates and despises anyone standing up for the white race and Europeans as a whole blah blah blah

Nice made up bullshit

I certainly won't stand for morons like you though, that's a given, and nobody should btw, you're a drag

And it has nothing to do with you real or supposed ethnic background, you're just an entitled moron with delusion of grandeur

[–] 0 pt

Wahahaa, so you admit it, you don't believe 'ebil wipipo' should be able to stand together and openly criticise those that wish them harm. What a faggot - wouldn't surprise me if you were some sort of shit-stained half breed or the grandfather of one, sucks to be you cuck, lmao ....

[–] 0 pt

I don't downvote comments, cry about that to someone else.

No you get triggered every time hitler or the nazis are negatively portrayed. Because you're a voatfag

Those cops will be back in a day or two with a warrant to shut the church down. And the congregation will film it, screaming "OH LOOK AT MUH EVIL NAZIS, THIS IS JUST WHAT THE NAZIS DID, THERE ARE NAZIS IN POLAND AGAIN OHHH NOOO!"

The point that you can't seem to get- until we collectively get over this "Nazi boogeyman", WE WILL NEVER CONFRONT THE ACTUAL ENEMY THAT STILL EXISTS AND THRIVES- COMMUNISM. This preacher could've gone back inside and pulled up a thousand instances of Soviet goons shutting down churches. Instead, he and his congregation are still sold on this idea that "Nazis = ultimate evil the world has ever seen", which is flat out not true. You don't have to have a "fetish" to see this, you fucking weirdo.

Also, real cool how you try to "win" this little conversation by bringing in quotes from other people totally unrelated to what you and I are specifically talking about. That's a real power move, totally not something a kike would do, like projecting fetishes.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I don't downvote comments

I see you removed your downvote, that's cute

>Those cops will be back in a day or two with a warrant to shut the church down. And the congregation will film it, screaming "OH LOOK AT MUH EVIL NAZIS, THIS IS JUST WHAT THE NAZIS DID, THERE ARE NAZIS IN POLAND AGAIN OHHH NOOO!"

>The point that you can't seem to get- until we collectively get over this "Nazi boogeyman", WE WILL NEVER CONFRONT THE ACTUAL ENEMY THAT STILL EXISTS AND THRIVES- COMMUNISM.

Spare me the fucking concern drama

The guy is polish, don't ask him to embrace nazism or communism.

You don't have to be an hitler fanboy to reject communism.

Your point is moot

"Political opponents" = the people making the world worse for decent people.

Don't moralize like a liberal faggot. If someone is fighting your enemies, they're on your team. Who gives a shit if they're "nazis" or whatever else?

[–] 0 pt

You're a political opponent to liberal faggots, and to them you're the one making the world worse and they are the decent people

You see, you assume that you and your kind will necessarily occupy a position of power in a fascist order

Wrong assumption

>"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power."

Benito Mussolini

You're living in a corporate fascist order, and you're the political enemy of that order

That's a fact

The only difference with benito's version of fascism is that the merger of corporate government power isn't for the sake of the nation, but for the sake of corporate interests

That's it

[–] 0 pt

Please don't paint all voatfags with the same brush. I was on Voat from almost the beginning and there were always more non-Nazis than Nazis there.

[–] 0 pt

It don't matter.They a growing consensus here on poal that admiration or good press about germany , hitler or ebil natzees is totally verboten and will get you marked as an outcast. They dont want anyone advocating for European solidarity ....