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🔥🔥There is NO Covid-19...the CDC is being sued by 7 Universities for Covid hoax...CDC could provide no isolated virus sample because no such virus has been isolated...This video is not the only such info. Other countries are finding the same thing.🔥🔥Vaccine genetically alters people!

🔥🔥There is NO Covid-19...the CDC is being sued by 7 Universities for Covid hoax...CDC could provide no isolated virus sample because no such virus has been isolated...This video is not the only such info. Other countries are finding the same thing.🔥🔥Vaccine genetically alters people!

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Thank you for confirmation. There's always some joker who claims without evidence that the researchers are fake actors. "Corona Virus is Real!". Really? Even if it is real, it's not dangerous. Our neighbor got tested and was told she was asymptomatic but had the virus. Two days later she was sick... with something. Everyone in the office except for two supervisors tested positive. Then they ALL got sick, except for the two male supervisors. All the rest were women. All the women got sick AFTER testing. Then they all got sent to work at home. When my neighbor first told me this she had the sniffles and said she felt like crap and her two boys told me the same thing the next day. I was helping her with an issue she had with her yard so I had to go over to talk to her. She was crying and said "Now my dad is sick". She was literally sobbing because she thought her 90 year old dad would die and her boyfriend was sick also. She was upset because none of her friends would visit her because they were terrified of the virus so I told her I wasn't afraid, bring it on. Being that she's a very kind lady she brought me out a plate of food which I happily ate. Delicious Mexican food. To thank her I went to the store and bought eight liters of tonic water and gave her four with instructions to drink as much as possible. Her and her sons drank the tonic water and also her dad. Her boyfriend refused. Two days later she was out watering her orange trees and said she felt fine, also her dad and her boys were fine now but her boyfriend had to go to hospital for two weeks. About this time I became sick with a low fever and felt a bit achy. I drank my four liters of tonic water and a couple days later I also was feeling fine.

Seriously, if this is some deadly virus I'm underwhelmed. It's like being told there's a lion at your door only to look through the peephole and see a little kitten.

So, someone explain to me how a whole office comes down sick on the same day? Please explain.

[–] 0 pt

It's quite possible there is something on the pcr test or it's possible that some of this is psychosomatic. Fear and anxiety can make anyone sick. So.the fact that you were unafraid and ended up with less symptoms is pretty interesting. But I have to say, there is something just off about this whole thing. It's probably just the flu as it magically disappeared after covid reared it's head.

[–] 0 pt

You didn't pay attention. I had the exact same symptoms as the woman and her children described. Also, I've only had one vaccine when I was 5 and then never again since I had a horrible reaction and became very ill. Prior to my neighbor getting sick I have been regularly drinking about 4 liters of tonic water a week. Also, I am outdoors regularly, am active and eat healthy foods.

What's interesting is that her boyfriend refused to drink quinine laced tonic water and had to spend two weeks in the hospital while everyone else got well in about two days.

It's not even the flu since I've had that and ended up very sick for about a week with another week to recover.

[–] 0 pt

Oh quinine water. Ok. My apologies.