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🔥🔥There is NO Covid-19...the CDC is being sued by 7 Universities for Covid hoax...CDC could provide no isolated virus sample because no such virus has been isolated...This video is not the only such info. Other countries are finding the same thing.🔥🔥Vaccine genetically alters people!

🔥🔥There is NO Covid-19...the CDC is being sued by 7 Universities for Covid hoax...CDC could provide no isolated virus sample because no such virus has been isolated...This video is not the only such info. Other countries are finding the same thing.🔥🔥Vaccine genetically alters people!

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Ummm what do you fuckkng retards not get.

  1. The international jews won
  2. You will never know because they 100% control the media
  3. 70 to 90% of sheeple npc Americans are 100% brainwashed<<<< how?
  5. It's over zog and the democommies won the masses just don't know it yet and after 9/11 the MEEPAC can keep them brainwashed for decades probably forever

My proof? They believe a pedophile career do nothing loser oldest candidate ever got 81 million votes while winning the fewest counties ever? Ummm no fucking way

[–] 6 pts

So your spirit is broke? Mine isn't. You sound like you've given up and thats what (((they))) want.

It's not only Jews, many other factions involved.

This has been going on for hundreds of years, yet snowflakes believed it would be beaten in 4, why? Did you miss all battles and smears Trump had to go against? Good people are still working to defeat it by the way..

They don't control the media I watch. What you watch is a choice.

[–] 7 pts

Yes I sounded defeatist but no I'm not.

Just have different plans.

  1. Get in shape<<< already did this went from 210 to 180... now working my way up adding muscle back to benching 275 and can run a couple miles
  2. Get moral<<< on the path don't drink as much and am living Christian values or better but am agnostic... call it agnochristo
  3. Get out of debt<<< on the way selling properties need to sell 2 condos and I will be debt free
  4. Get out of the city when I sell the third condo I will buy land With a well
  5. Get off grid and pay as little in taxes as possible

Ultimate goal help other people do the same and turn every urban center into detroit

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Ive done all of that and provided all of my own food for 7 months by growing canning and hunting it. This year I will be putting in more effort, so I can provide for all 12 😊 I gave up eatting food from outside last year.

[–] 0 pt

Why not rent the condos? Either way it sounds like you're on the right track.

[–] 0 pt

This 100%

We are too small to do anything in on a global/state/city level. Start at home and spread actual conservatism with your time/energy/money

[–] 0 pt

I will walk away with about 275k to buy land and grow more assets and wealth and I can not pay this shit city property taxes any longer fuck urban areas

[–] -1 pt (edited )

Get immoral and start killing your enemies.

Leaving to the country is a good move, but let’s not kid ourselves. The only solution is violence.

[–] 2 pts

My spirit isn't broken. But, I'm a realist. There is a difference between hope, and being a realist. I still have hope things will change. But, if the shit does hit the fan, what are you going to do, still have hope? Does hope save the day? No. I'm a survivor as well.

[–] 1 pt

Not hope, action after everything else is exhausted, besides I don't think we will have a choice if they come for the guns. Luckily for me if they do, I can make my own.

[–] 0 pt

The reality is that civilizations rise and fall, and have done so throughout history. Do a little research and you'll find that many of them fell for the same reasons.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

You have some cognitive dissonance....you hate vaccines and you know covid is a hoax....but you act like trump is battling for the good of the earth. Trump pushed the vaccines and other drugs very hard and pushed the official covid narrative....all while in a position of power that he could use to end the lockdown and stop the vaccines. Lol this is all so obvious...not to mention trumps banning criticism of Israel on college campuses.

[–] 1 pt

You are 100% defeated aren't you?

You aren't just controlled by media as you proclaim 70-90% of Americans to be. But you are worse; you're destroyed. Your entire post is meaningless drivel.

  1. The international jews won

Have they? I'm seeing a far greater number of people calling bullshit on jewflu than not.

  1. You will never know because they 100% control the media

Except #1 isn't the case so #2 is garbage. As has been for years. Yes jews control 100% of the media, no argument. However to claim that more than a small few percent trust the media for more than just base information is something a destroyed mind would say.

  1. 70 to 90% of sheeple npc Americans are 100% brainwashed<<<< how?

And you aren't. Read your fucking post.


Literally #1 + #2, see my replies to both.

  1. It's over zog and the democommies won the masses just don't know it yet and after 9/11 the MEEPAC can keep them brainwashed for decades probably forever

... "It's over goyim. Don't try goyim. It's useless goyim just give up goyim." with #5 you are either a jewish sock-puppet shill. Or as I've already stated: you are totally defeated/destroyed. jews own you more than they own the sheeple you so harp against.

[–] 0 pt

I got mad at you somewhere else but I can't disagree with alot of what you said I am not defeated that post did sound like it. I'm doing my own thing but agree I should be more positive I'm doing it in my life and in the real world I should do it here as well.. will put more effort into being positive here

[–] 0 pt

It's not about being more positive. It's about NOT being defeated. I think we're in an awful situation, absolutely. But kikes are exceptionally far from "winning".

This is going to be long as fuck;

Maybe I'm too optimistic? But what's the point of say and believing garbage like "kikes already won" when... have they? People are "waking up" faster and faster and faster. I was in a back area of my gym the other day near the trainer offices using some Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis machine for simple body comp analysis. During it I heard them talking about jewflu and none of the 3 or 4 even gave a fuck about masks and only wore them / told members to wear them because it was our governor's order but they didn't really care and put no effort into it. They also each laughed when talking about someone who "died" of jewflu being a fatass and one of them chiming in: "well you couldn't even make it up the stairs without being out of breath. I'm pretty sure the virus didn't kill you."

These trainers were ALL your reddit types except maybe 1. The other 2-3 were maybe not as bad as the average reddit fag but they were definitely in that direction.

Additionally, I've not worn a mask except for ONE visit to the grocery store back in January of '20, before these kikes had even set their plan in motion for the US.

The most I do is wear a knit closed piece of stretchy fabric around my neck and never put it above my chin.

So what I'm seeing is EXACTLY the OPPOSITE of what kike.posters post about seeing every day. No fuck you're going to see a lot of reddit betas while you choose to live in enemy territory. That's their fault and their fault alone.