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🔥🔥There is NO Covid-19...the CDC is being sued by 7 Universities for Covid hoax...CDC could provide no isolated virus sample because no such virus has been isolated...This video is not the only such info. Other countries are finding the same thing.🔥🔥Vaccine genetically alters people!

🔥🔥There is NO Covid-19...the CDC is being sued by 7 Universities for Covid hoax...CDC could provide no isolated virus sample because no such virus has been isolated...This video is not the only such info. Other countries are finding the same thing.🔥🔥Vaccine genetically alters people!

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts (edited )

uhh "he" says: ...."Research in our laboratory focuses on the structure and function of neurotransmitter receptors, in particular glutamate receptors. These receptors are the primary excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the central nervous system and are implicated in the molecular basis of learning and memory as well as a variety of neurological disorders. The laboratory uses a variety of methods including NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering, isothermal titration calorimetry, and electrophysiology"

sounds like a "researcher" to me. Plus saying a VIRUS has been sequenced is not the same as saying it satisfies Koch's postulates. Where did you get that information? One may not isolate and sequence something unless they have first purified and identified it. I have never seen a single em microscopic example of a true isolated, purified example of viremia under em microscopy as it relates to COVID. The only two that exist (which are used over and over) show massive cellular debris and micro-vesicle contamination. "Sequencing" should be carried out AFTER viremia is demonstrated and one KNOWS what the target virus is that is being sequenced. Sequencing is genetic information. One cannot claim they have sequenced a genome of a specific virus that they have not yet even isolated. Show us this proof. I have read those articles and ref. at the links you shared they refer only to sequencing of genetic information. Telomeres may NOT be different lengths of a virus this is impossible --yet they claim it. HIV was the 35 plus year dress rehearsal in changing the tenets of virology to the bullshit "science" it is now. The same scientists claiming to have done the genetic sequencing are the same scientists using the PCR. In order to use PCR one has to first identify which sequence you are going to use out of possible thousands. Yet they used PCR on snippets of RNA which are then sequenced. Those were found using PCR. It's circular logic in the extreme.
Oh. One last thing. How in the heck do you jump from the person in the video to the clearly NOT THE SAME GUY called Robert Oswald??

The entire Virus narrative is pretty much bull shit.

-edit to add and misspelling-