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[–] 3 pts

And that's just one reason why the whole fucking thing is preposterous. There has literally never been a dawning of realization that hit me more like a fucking tidal wave than this. The staggering part is that the logic is so simple, and you realize how easy it is to be indoctrinated when you simply don't question something an authority has been drumming into your head for years. As point after point begins to dawn on you, you almost just want to go and grab people by the collar and shake them. It's so fucking demonstrably stupid that it can be defused in 5 minutes, if someone is just willing to think. That last bit is the trouble.

[–] 1 pt

I'm good and very comfortable with all kinds of advanced math and physics. All of the people at my work have atleast a bachelors in engineering or computer science and 50% have had multiple semesters of calculus. Despite this, most of my coworkers consider me to be the best person to write math intensive code.

Even with my aptitude, I remember people trying to explain the holohoax math to me and just shutting down. For me, I'd just think "why did they have ovens in the concentration camps if they weren't there to exterminate people." Normally, if someone proposed something with math or physics that seemed illogical, I'd work through it to try to prove one way or another. My natural curiosity just broke down and didn't apply with the holohoax. One day I was reading some random article which mentioned Ellis Island had more incinerators than Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Then it clicked. I realized that bodies get incinerated for many different reasons and especially if they are suspected of carrying a disease. Once past that mental block, it was all just a math problem and I could easily see the fraud that it was. Looking back, I'm amazed at how strong the mental block of "don't question it" was.

Keep planting seeds in the normies. You never know what will eventually wake one up. I'm glad all those seeds other people planted finally sprouted when the mental block was released for me. This is also why the current censorship wave is so dangerous. Sometimes you need to tell someone 100 different ways before something finally clicks.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Most of the camps weren't even operational until 1942.

[–] 2 pts

Is that the claim, that all of them were cremated?

I though that they were also claiming mass graves were made to bury the bodies.

[–] 2 pts

They claim that initially they did mass graves, but when they were worrying about losing the war they dug up the mass graves and incinerated them over open fires.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah, fucking Pinkman! SCIENCE, bitch!

This isn't taking into account all of the bones that would have to be ground up. It would be a huge pile.

[–] 1 pt

Also, you need to crush/grind the bones as well as they aren't destroyed in the flames.

Also, there is no evidence for the placement of the coke/coal/fuel in the camps (would be designated area). Also no evidence for deliveries and invoices of the fuel needed to continually crisp jews all day even though the Germans literally recorded everything. So much more wrong with the official story.

[–] 0 pt

But...but...but ...they destroyed the records! I can prove it because the records aren't here anymore!--- Deborah Libstadt probably.

Have you heard about the one where one burning body provides the fuel to burn another? Fucking hysterical.

[–] 1 pt

There wasn’t an “ah hah!” lightswitch moment for me in this case. The falsity of the Holohoax dawned very gradually, until one day I found myself on VOAT with what seemed like hundreds of people who agreed with me about it.

I’d be lying if I said VOAT didn’t absolutely cement the awareness, with links and resources I’d never have found otherwise. But I’d been ready to see and hear it for years.

[–] 1 pt

I had heard some arguments expressing doubt about the holocaust, but it never sunk in until I watched a Hollywood movie about it that justified murdering innocent gentile children. It takes a lot of money and effort to hold up a massive lie for decades, so why bother? But when you see just how twisted their world view is, it all makes sense, and suddenly the "pervasive anti-Semitism" that takes place across widely separated times and cultures is shown to be a reaction to the one common element: jewish behavior.

[–] 1 pt

Lol, perfect presentation

[–] 1 pt

Precisely, when you look at everything and break it down it was nothing more than war propaganda. There are more holes in it than swiss cheese.

[–] 1 pt

That really is all it was. A demonization campaign that never ended.

[–] -1 pt

Only the Chan's push this all 6 million were gassed bullshit.

Nobody else actually believes it.

They also hammer on Auschwitz as if it was the ONLY concentration camp.

It wasn't.

This kind of bullshit is just as toxic as jooz lying.

[–] 1 pt

That's because. Auschwitz was the camp around which they centered their narrative. At Nuremberg, they legally "proved" that 4 million were killed there, and 2 million at 2 other facilities, and hanged people for it. The numbers have been quietly revised down to 1 million at Auschwitz and lesser numbers at other camps, and the remainder to make 6 million is by talking about mass executions in the Eastern front. Almost all of the original myths, like soap and lampshades and shrunken heads, have been dropped from the official story even if they are still pushed on the public from time to time.

[–] 1 pt

quietly revised

So the jews have admitted the numbers weren't correct.

The jew have corrected those numbers

And yet the chan's push this "6 million" narrative harder than the actual victims do.

Who is the real villain here? The one who abmits a mistake and corrects it. Or the one who hammers on that persons mistake for life?

If this was real life. Who would be the person you want to be around?

1) the person that admits their mistakes, fixes the problem, and actively prevents doing it in the future.

2) the person the reminds you of your mistakes and never sees you as anything but a failure. Never seeing your growth as a person.

[–] 0 pt

You dumb cunt, the jews push the 6 million number and you can get thrown in jail if you disagree with it. They changed the numbers for the camps but still maintain 6 million died overall based on nothing. They even sometimes claim an additional 5 million gentiles died in the camps, then they later admitted they didn't and just made it up for more sympathy.

[–] 0 pt

False: my mom believes the eleven million narrative - because she’s “been to the camps and seen it with her own eyes”.

It’s not about whether they were “gassed” or not. The narrative is that six million jews and five million other “undesirables” were systematically exterminated and disposed of. It is a widespread, pervasive myth with tremendous sway over the direction of Western Society - especially in Europe.

It’s absolutely the fundamental myth of the postmodern secular European “religion”.

[–] 0 pt

You did not prove you mother believes "all 6 million were gased"

Therefore my statement has not been proved false.

Keep pushing that lie though.

[–] 0 pt

Are you kidding me? I’m not going to doxx myself to score internet points to impress some online faggot.

There’s no conceivable way to satisfy a reasonably skeptical expectation for burden of proof on an anonymous forum. I’m not saying it to “prove” anything, retard.

I’m saying because I know you’re full of shit.