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(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Not if she signed it of her own volution, willfully showed up at the appointed time, sat down and then let them inject her. As bad as this clown world is, Medical professionals will simply point to Govt/ Health dept policy as a requirement for the operation and unless she was physically dragged there and forcibly jabbed - any suit will go nowhere - unless there was clear overt misconduct outside of the proscribed administration procedure. Unfortunately, no-one should be more concerned with one's health than themself and then is always a risk (incl Death) associated with any medical intervention. RIP, however would this be even a post if her body violently rejected the transplant after a successful operation and she still passed.

[–] 0 pt

Not true at all. They were withholding life saving treatment therby literally threatening her with death if she did not comply. Nothing she signed under that duress is valid.

[–] 0 pt

Look pal, while i am sympathetic to the individual involved - what you're opining is simply incorrect emotion based nonsense.

Read the post again. First off - 'she agreed to get the recommended shots' - done and dusted - nothing to file suit over. Caveat emptor. Secondly - she wasn't 'withheld life-saving treatment thereby literally threatening her with death' - she was taken off a list, until she complied with some bs Hospital policy, but she agreed to comply with it.

No where in the post suggests she disagreed with MMR vaccination and didn't want it. Likely she 's probably already boosted up to her eyeballs - which may have something to do with why her health has deteriorated to where she now requires a transplant.

It's reminds me of a media furor because a Doctor/ surgeon wouldn't perform a lung transplant on a chain smoker because the patient refused to give up smoking. Something about hospital policy requiring the individual to also make life style changes, if necessary, for a better outcome and successful transplant operation.

The issue is the Hospital/ Govt Health policies requiring the vaccination for an organ transplant - good luck suing the Govt as a private individual.

Same with the clot shot - i couldnt work for 30 months because i refused to comply with a bs mandate

[–] 0 pt
  • she wasn't 'withheld life-saving treatment thereby literally threatening her with death' - she was taken off a list,

taken off a list,

That means that they were refusing her the treatment you fucking shill piece of shit.

[–] 0 pt

'she agreed to get the recommended shots

Wrong jackass, she was forced to get the shots under threat of death.