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[–] 3 pts

Interesting theory. May I postulate another? When it comes to mental disorders I think a lot of people (not saying you) but a lot of people don't connect the dots from Narcissism on down. Narcissism (I believe) is the major mental disorder that all others flow from and are granted power by. Narcissists are NEVER wrong. They can't even mentally entertain the idea. It completely screws their judgement. Look at the other disorders, Hoarding ,alcoholism, drug addiction, trans whatever. The single binding tenet of all these conditions is (Hooray for ME and FUCK YOU). It is always about them and what they want, think, desire, perceive to need etc.

You see these types of personalities across social media. People who HAVE to film everything their doing as if anyone gives a flying fuck. THEY think we do! They aren't capable (due to narcissism) to believe the truth which is...we don't. They are the types of assholes that spy on their neighbors out the windows and ALWAYS have something say about them even over the slightest perceived grievances.

The obsession with "self" and the need to always be right, in power, the go to person whatever is the driving force for these loons. It's what creates Doctors, Lawyers, Cops, Judges and politicians. I honestly don't think it's much more complicated than that.

[–] 3 pts

Narcissism has been made far worse by the "I am God" attitude of the "enlightened" egoist Atheists.

[–] 1 pt

Narcissism has been made far worse by the "I am God" attitude of the "enlightened" egoist Atheists.

DING DING DING!!!!!! We have a winner!!!

[–] 2 pts

Fascinating. And the information age has just enhanced this.

[–] 2 pts

And the information age has just enhanced this.

10,000 fold minimum.

[–] 1 pt


>Occupy Wall Street (OWS) was a 59-day left-wing populist movement against economic inequality and the influence of money in politics that had begun in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street financial district, and lasted from September 17 to November 15, 2011.[7] The protests gave rise to the wider Occupy movement in the United States and other Western countries.


Maybe they signed their death warrant on that particular day without realizing it. I mean, most shitlibs are pro kike policies all the way, except maybe sometimes regarding palestine but if there's one thing they obsess about above all and want to destroy it's "Das Kapital"/Big money, it's part of their DNA, much more than anti-war movements and pro freedom movements... It's the one thing they never got unstuck from, and they're completely off the target at every shot since forever mostly because they are economically full of shit, they're going to attack small businesses thinking they're "sticking it to the man" with their iphone in hand. But still, that day they hit the target

Just a thought

[–] 1 pt

Just a thought And a good one to be sure.

[–] 1 pt

the entire movement baited and switched over to climate change/ oppression - so the same people and groups are now targeting 'rich Whites' (read middle class/ small business owners) and protesting for less farmed meat (co2 and nitrogen)

Odd how quickly they subvert huh?