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Link to the FDA medication guide.

Serious complications of ACAM2000 include: • Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart). Most cases have occurred within 1-2 weeks after vaccination. Symptoms of myocarditis and pericarditis include: o Chest pain o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing o Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart Symptoms of myocarditis and pericarditis may be different in children and may also include: o Fainting o Unusual and persistent irritability o Unusual and persistent poor feeding o Unusual and persistent fatigue or lack of energy o Persistent vomiting o Persistent pain in the abdomen o Unusual and persistent cool, pale skin • Inflammation of the brain or spinal cord • Serious skin infections such as a rash caused by widespread infection of the skin (known as eczema vaccinatum), buildup of inflamed tissue around the vaccination site that may at first look like a bullseye and will grow into a large, non-healing sore (known as progressive vaccinia). • Spreading of the vaccine virus through the blood to other parts of your body • Fetal death • Accidental infection of the eye (which may cause swelling of the cornea causing watery painful eyes and blurred vision, scarring of the cornea, and blindness) • Severe allergic reaction after vaccination 2 The risks for serious vaccine side effects are greater for people who: • have heart problems or a history of heart problems • are taking steroid eye drops or ointment • have a weakened immune system • have skin problems such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, burns, impetigo, contact dermatitis, chickenpox, shingles, psoriasis, or uncontrolled acne • are less than 1 year old • are pregnant or become pregnant within 6 weeks after vaccination

Link to the FDA medication guide. >Serious complications of ACAM2000 include: • Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart). Most cases have occurred within 1-2 weeks after vaccination. Symptoms of myocarditis and pericarditis include: o Chest pain o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing o Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart Symptoms of myocarditis and pericarditis may be different in children and may also include: o Fainting o Unusual and persistent irritability o Unusual and persistent poor feeding o Unusual and persistent fatigue or lack of energy o Persistent vomiting o Persistent pain in the abdomen o Unusual and persistent cool, pale skin • Inflammation of the brain or spinal cord • Serious skin infections such as a rash caused by widespread infection of the skin (known as eczema vaccinatum), buildup of inflamed tissue around the vaccination site that may at first look like a bullseye and will grow into a large, non-healing sore (known as progressive vaccinia). • Spreading of the vaccine virus through the blood to other parts of your body • Fetal death • Accidental infection of the eye (which may cause swelling of the cornea causing watery painful eyes and blurred vision, scarring of the cornea, and blindness) • Severe allergic reaction after vaccination 2 The risks for serious vaccine side effects are greater for people who: • have heart problems or a history of heart problems • are taking steroid eye drops or ointment • have a weakened immune system • have skin problems such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, burns, impetigo, contact dermatitis, chickenpox, shingles, psoriasis, or uncontrolled acne • are less than 1 year old • are pregnant or become pregnant within 6 weeks after vaccination

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

I was getting my period the day after getting my teeth cleaned during the vax mandate hay day. I know they were spreading it to me. I started taking ivermectin, nas, and a handful of other things before going to the dentist.

I don't think they knew the first thing about the mRNA vaccines in people before selling them en mass and since they can't be held accountable why not just keep adding on side effects and saying the spreading is a good thing.

[–] 0 pt

I feel ya.

I got one stick shoved up my nose during the 'pandemic'. The owner of the company I was working for tested positive for Covid, all of the sudden it was very important for all three of us in the office to go get rapid-tested for Covid.

I should have been less cowardly, just said fuck it, no, I am not getting tested over this nonsense, but for some reason, I didn't want to get fired that day.

I don't know if those nasal swabs had anything nefarious in them, but really, how would I know?

I know the vaccines are all fucked up, and the test was insanely invasive...

That type of shit just really makes me think.

[–] 0 pt

Yep. My bf was hospitalized during covid and they swabbed him. He was so doped up and the nurse just said it was a test. He didn't even think to protest with all the pain he was in and the drugs he was on. A couple of days out of the hospital and he remembered and was ticked. I'm just glad it was the early days of the vax and they were saying they didn't have enough to go around. I would have spent every penny if my savings suing for malpractice if they'd gotten him.

I can't stand the arrogance of people thinking it's okay to swab and jab us 'for your own good, ya moron'.