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Source (x.com)

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Not that anyone here needs the warning, but:

1) the organizations pushing for you to be injected are jewish. They want to exterminate Europeans and any other race of people that is likely to resist their one-world government. 2) these jews believe Europeans are the descendants of Amalak from the Hebrew bible. They believe the Amalak must be destroyed before the jewish messiah can return to earth.

This is why jewish NGOs are importing huge numbers of non-Europeans to White countries, it's why their media and entertainment pushes White women to mate with sub-saharans, it's why they keep unleashing viruses and injections on us, it's why they keep us in a constant state of fear (fearful women do not have large families), and it's why they push women to have "careers" and to delay childbirth.

This is also why it's not happening all at once, but over many generations. It's not one crazy guy like George Soros. It's an organized, extremely evil belief system that spans generations. It's not just religious, it's ethnic. It's in their blood.

The jews won World War 2. Hitler was fighting against them. The bad guys won, and Hitler predicted everything that's happened to European countries since the war was lost. It's time to wake up.

[–] 1 pt

They're targeting kids.