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At this point I just don't give a fuck about them anymore, I tried so hard to get them to not accept the death needle and the thanks I got was ridicule and a serious curtailment of my freedoms.

Fuck them, I wasn't the one who killed Grandpa, the vax did him in and the Coroner lied on the death certificate. I will never forgive those smug pieces of shit. pic related https://pic8.co/sh/2lB4U4.jpeg

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0141813024022323 At this point I just don't give a fuck about them anymore, I tried so hard to get them to not accept the death needle and the thanks I got was ridicule and a serious curtailment of my freedoms. Fuck them, I wasn't the one who killed Grandpa, the vax did him in and the Coroner lied on the death certificate. I will never forgive those smug pieces of shit. pic related https://pic8.co/sh/2lB4U4.jpeg

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts 8mo (edited 8mo)

going to die of cancer

They already have been, by the 10s of millions worldwide. And not just "normal" cancer, but also by the new 'turbo cancer' variety. Brain, cervix, ovarian, breast, testicular, prostate, colon, etc. All in greater numbers than ever before, from diagnosis to death within days, weeks or barely a few months, and the numbers are increasing every day and will continue to increase every day.

Also: Vaccine-acquired Auto-immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS), which has led to many other ailments and deaths that are blamed on the fictitious "COVID-19" and "Long COVID" - diabetes (yes, they actually blame peoples' diabetes diagnoses on "having had COVID") - becoming allergic to absurd things like clothing materials that have never been an issue before, and even "the sun", "cold air/weather" that "suddenly" (cohencidentally after getting injected) cause breaking out in rashes, hives, blisters, boils and other effects merely from walking in the sun for a few minutes or catching a draft.

Heart attacks, strokes, skin melting off, multiple organ failure from the body's immune system attacking its own organs, bodies rejecting and attacking dye in decades-old tattoos, sudden and extreme hearing loss, sudden and total blindness, inability to speak due to both neurological damage and physical damage to the larynx, etc.

Easily hundreds of millions murdered worldwide by jews and their genocide injection, and that is just so far ; no animals survived past 5 years post-injection of any form of mRNA injection in trials over the past decades of them trying to get it perfected for their desired outcome for when they would push the injections into the masses.

Anyone you know who had gotten injected early and who is still alive now will likely be dead from some ailment caused by the injection within the next year or two. Even if they got the 'watered-down' version while jews were running dosage-finding with pushing different batches of mixtures and concentrations to different areas, it doesn't take much of jew juice to be done for.

Many did get the placebo saline shots that jews pushed out to certain areas to 'water down' the death statistics and mask the killrates so people didn't catch on to the cause of the mass deaths, so some who did get injected may still live in a year or two if they got the 'clean' injection.

Also, many who did not get injected still had some trust in the "medical" industry and went and got "flu" shots, which means it is highly likely that they were given the jew injection as many places got caught giving the wrong injection both "accidentally" and intentionally. And with the "flu" shot also now being mRNA or replaced by the combo "flu" / "COVID" injection, anyone getting any shot from a "doctor" is likely getting the jew injection whether they want it or not.

I'm both amazed and profoundly disappointed by how many are still oblivious to or willfully ignoring the situation we are all in.

36 million fewer people in a nation of 360 million (10%) is not enough for anyone to notice, especially when the deaths are masked by jews bringing many millions of non-White invaders in to replace those murdered by the jew injections. Even without the additional invaders to replace the dead, 10% fewer people alive in the nation would barely be noticed by anyone other than maybe noticing a handful fewer cars on the road while they go to or come home from their slave jobs...which they would be thankful for this reduction in traffic.

Within the next year or two, the percentage of the national population that will be dead will be high enough that it would be noticed by anyone, even with the invaders pouring in to replace the missing bodies. However, the new "pandemic" will be rolled out so it can mask the deaths from the injection by them blaming this new "illness" as what is causing so many deaths and not that the bill is coming due on so many who got the jew injection a few years ago.

They'll also somehow put all of the blame for the new pandemic on those who didn't get injected the first time around (i.e. the "unvaxxed"), so uninjected this time around will be forced -even at gunpoint- to get their new injection or the unpersoning will be in overdrive with not being able to work or buy food without proving you are injected (or they could even put those covid prisons into use that they built a few years ago for us uninjected to be put into but didn't get to use).

I believe this is why 'fake vaccination cards' were so heavily covered and widely available - they wanted to work out weak areas of the system and find exploits so they would know what changes to implement for the next time to prevent any kind of 'fake' to exist. There will also be no such thing as "religious exemption" this next time (except for jews of course, and maybe certain religions common to their non-White tools).

Again, so many are wholly oblivious or willfully ignorant to the reality of the situation we've been in for years and how things will be mere months from now, let alone what is coming over the next one to two years.

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