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This coverage has been extended by another year. It was already extended once.

They actually cite the likely cause in the title:

Continuation of MBS item 63399 cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for myocarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination

[archived](https://web.archive.org/web/20240613005028/http://www.msac.gov.au/internet/mbsonline/publishing.nsf/Content/DB5DAC39F47A268FCA258A89007FAE54/$File/PDF%20Version%20-%20FS%20Continuation%20of%20MBS%20item%2063399%20-%20cardiac%20MRI%20for%20myocarditis.pdf) This coverage has been extended by another year. It was already extended once. They actually cite the likely cause in the title: > Continuation of MBS item 63399 – cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for myocarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 8mo

You might wanna consider providing archived links along with .gov links. Poalrs don't like to click them for obvious reasons.


[–] 1 pt 8mo

Thanks. Will do.