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[–] 12 pts

This is NZ. They had the most draconian measures in the world. Can't travel, can't work, go to school (university, before children jabs) can't shop, can't gym, can't anything without your vaxx pass.

I saw a video with a guy coughing out blood and being wheeled out by the ambulance in the injection center. People in line saw that and stayed in line.

NZ is beyond fucked. Don't give up your guns

[–] 8 pts

The apathy you describe doesn't surprise me in the slightest- have you spoken to people from NZ or Australia? Most of them are fucking GRATEFUL for their goddamned tyrants. They live in absolutely blissful ignorance, saying shit like "Well, at least school shootings never happen here" as they're subjected to shit that peasants 500 years ago would've burned an entire nation to the ground in retaliation.

There's something extra disturbing about how those groups' brainwashing manifested.

[–] 5 pts

My mom lived in NZ as a teen. She still has friends there. Almost all of them got the shot and she was banned from Facebook a few times during the whole ordeal trying to help her friends over chat - just chat from what she told me. I don't use Facebook so I don't know how it works but she said she never posts but just uses the chat function. They kept getting her for spreading misinformation.

Eventually, I think they went to text but that isn't much better. I know they drop links she and I send to each over via text all the time.

She said she wasn't surprised. They worship their government there.

[–] 4 pts

They worship their government there.

Agreed. Live in NZ. Never voted in my entire life. Might Not even be on the electoral role - allegedly - oh i'm sure i am /s. (NZD $100 fine, $200 per day continued unenrollment).

'If you don't vote , you can't have a say !!'

No politician has ever called me up to ask 'dass, how should I proceed on this pertinent topic and upcoming legislation ??'. Until one does - i'm nope, not happening . I will not be a consenting party to this abhorrent nonsense.

[–] 2 pts

Feel the same regarding voting. Never have for the same reasons. Voting gives them your consent to do whatever nasty shit they desire. My whole life it’s been nothing but voting for the the lessor of two evils. Fuck that, it’s still voting for evil.

[–] 5 pts

They're clearing out the natives ahead of the cataclysm. New Zealand is rich bunker central.

[–] 4 pts

I think this is not communicated well. There were 30 deaths with same day of vax from the same vax center dying in close temporal proximity. I don't believe that it is 100% kill rate that day, but 30 deaths from one vaxtermination center connected by vax date and death date is still plenty enough shocking.

I would be surprised if they only got 30 customers in a day for this.

[–] 1 pt

They must have ran out of single jellybean vaccination treats.

[–] 0 pt

Wonder if they got one of the more deadly batches or if they had a tarded nurse injecting it poorly. I could imagine injecting that cocktail of strange cells and chemicals into a vein or nerve could cause more damage than into muscle.

[–] 0 pt

I ordered mine neat, intravenous with plenty of air in the syringe and I'm fine. Took my booster same day as doses one and two.

[–] 3 pts

Headline should read: 30 idiots dead during fake medical testing

[–] 1 pt

What kind of moron takes an experimental toxin designed to kill virtue signaling retards?

Oh yeah, SJWs.

[–] 5 pts

4 million in NZ were vaccinated at least once. Their population is only 5.1 million.

This was a genocide of people of European descent by jews.

[–] 1 pt

Yep, live in NZ (myself and two young sons pureblood) by my best guesstimate using both Official sources and personal/ anecdotal - only around 500 000 Adults (18 and older) had never had a single clot shot. The overwhelming majority had the 2 primary doses then a cascading percentile one and two boosters. (a small amount are on the third booster) Of everyone i currently know, had contact with the last 3 years, social circle, extended family, childhood friends, former work mates etc - i can only count unvaxxed on less than two hands. Nz went super hard, and everyone just smiled and complied - complete lack of self agency/ preservation - many had absolutely no idea that it wasnt just a normal flu jab and many didnt even care instead trusting the experts and making fun of us 'rivers of filth anti vaxxers'. Fck them - i pity those dying but ultimately you get what you ask for and none gave a fck about me.

[–] 4 pts

You should be saying fuck the jews who tricked and poisoned your people, not fuck your people.

[–] 0 pt

What is with you people? I mean, not you, dass, since you're here you obviously know what's up... but it's baffling how in love with the boot on their neck that most NZers are. They'll tout low crime stats and other nonsense while being fucked blind, it's outrageous.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Why would anyone take experimental poisonous injections that weren't tested for the 10 year period and have been proven to possibly kill you still, after 3+ years?

Welcome to the idiocracy. You thought things would get better? They're only going to get much, much worse.