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Shits gonna get bad

Shits gonna get bad

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 8 pts


“You’ve got 6 months…to 3-5 years…that’s it…and your children will be sterilized…” -Dr. Shawn Brooks


[–] 4 pts (edited )

3min 38sec version (instead of 2:20) if anyone is interested in hearing the rest of what he said before they cut him off due to "being out of time":


Dr. Sean Brooks at SW Ohio School Board Meeting - Full Transcript

My name is Dr. Sean Brooks, PhD, Oxford. I have 48 publications, including 23 books. I've studied health medicine, anatomy, and physiology for approximately 21 years.

Dr. Robert Malone, who created the messenger RNA [mRNA] vaccine has said no one should ever take these jabs ever, under any circumstance whatsoever –

He created it! And he says - Don't ever do it!

So let me explain what's going to happen to people who have taken, taken, excuse me - the people who have taken it – they are going to die in the next six months to three to five years, for three reasons.

Number one, you have dramatically decreased your own immune system by 35%. The first jab did it by at least 15. The second did it by 35. Now - if you take any booster shot, you will die. That's it.

You take a flu shot in the future, you will die.

The second reason - antibody dependent enhancement and antibody dependent enhancement is what is happening with these jabs with everybody who has taken them - unless of course you've taken a placebo. But there's no way that you would know that.

So given that fact, antibody dependent enhancement tricks the entire body into believing that the cell that's eating the pathogen is eating it when it isn't, it ends up leading to what's called a cytokine storm, which causes organ failure. That will cause your death - and there's no stopping that no amount of drugs will stop that.

The third thing - blood clotting. Everyone who has taken the jab gets blood clots. If you don't believe me, there's a way you can find out. Take what's called a D-Dimer test. What that does, is that detects blood clotting at the microscopic level. We’re cutting full blood clots out of people right now as I'm talking to you.

Millions have died from the jabs.

In your last [SW Ohio School Board] meeting, you advocated for people to take the jabs potentially in the future, along with wearing masks - and I heard parents say the same thing. So to the parents who are actually considering jabbing their own children, you're going to sterilize them permanently. People who have taken the jabs are sterilized. 80% of pregnant women who have been jabbed have lost their children in the first trimester.

You can't have kids. You've also injected yourself with the equivalent of HIV.

You can now no longer breastfeed, donate blood, donate organs, donate blood plasma, nor bone marrow. If you don't believe me, try to donate blood and blood plasma and find out what happens. You will be denied. Unless of course you live in California, in which case they're allowing people to donate toxic blood with spike proteins in it.

The jabs create spike proteins. They're in the jabs themselves. And they create it by snapping your RNA in half.

You're no longer a human anymore. You're something else - and you're susceptible to countless diseases.

Now here's what's going to happen in the future - very quickly. (You have 15 seconds.) Great.

I don't know what percentage of your staff is taking the jabs - but your school is going to close - you will not stay open. You will close because they will fall ill and they will die. That will happen in all of your buildings. It will have its way – it’s already happening -

(All right - thank you sir.)

I bet it is.

It's already happening - and - good luck. (Thank you...) Nothing can stop it. (Thank you sir.)

Thank you!

[–] 3 pts

Thanks for the extra links. Please consider using something more than kikebox and kikechute for your mirrors, as they both are deleting or blocking (latter) videos exposing the truth.

[–] 3 pts

@Khro_ bitchute link has already been deleted.

[–] 3 pts

I was merely linking postings of this video others have made on poal from last year that were longer in length, not supplying mirrors.

If I have time to supply a mirror for a video, and I feel a fresh mirror is warranted, I do attempt to upload the video to vid8 (still unable to upload via url as you've noted it will eventually allow for and I must do so direct from pc with slow and unreliable connection). As I was not supplying mirrors and just noting previous postings, I did not.

However, this is not a new video. The full video has been posted everywhere since it was recorded over a year ago. There are plenty of mirrors and postings of it on many sites already and there are many in-depth articles with sources for the information he mentions, as well as additional videos and interviews with him. Anyone paying attention at all should already have seen this, saved it, and also shared it with others over a year ago when it was new. As there are so many mirrors for it and articles about it and him, that seems to be what did happen. It shouldn't be some new and shocking video for anyone on poal.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

It would be cool to program a ChatGPT bot that auto-mirrors people who post kike links, warns the OP not to do that anymore, and gives them instructions on how to use mirror sites. It can auto-ban them after they post 3 kike links.

[–] 0 pt

Not everybody has access and the bandwidth to take long videos and download upload. I'm in Mexico looking for a bug out place most of the time, so I know that I sometimes post kiked links. I'm on mobile 95% of the time with a slow ass mextel connection.

The question is, and I'm not the op here, should I avoid posting links if I can't archive them first?

[–] 0 pt

I don't run this site, but I don't like giving revenue to companies owned by jews that are trying to exterminate my race.

I agree there should be an easier way to mirror youtube videos without having to download a video file.

[–] 9 pts

It's terrible what they did to everyone on earth. But... It seems to me there will be a large decline in the portion of the population that is incapable/unwilling to think for themselves.


[–] 4 pts

White Europeans are only some 7-11% World populations. Imagine another 5-10 years when White Europeans are 2-5% and mystery meats are all exponentially rising year after year. The entire Western world will be third world slums with all the elites / politicians behind gated communities and 24 hr armed security.

[–] 3 pts

Do you think that every injection was poisoned? Do you think that the poisoned injections weren't strategically distributed to White majority areas?

There are idiots in this world. And those idiots think that every injection was poisoned.

There WON'T be a decline in the portion of the population that is incapable/unwilling to think for themselves. But there WILL be a massive decline in the White population.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

I saw a friends med chat bc he was asking me about a number on his physical. He was doubled jabbed and his vax shit said like blue or purple top on the covid vax.

Wtf is this did big pharma lable the placebo? Anyone else see this before? I could possibly link if i can get another look. But positive the chart said blue or purple cap

[–] 3 pts

did big pharma lable the placebo?

I doubt it. There are nearly 8 billion people in the world and nearly 1 billion Whites.

This is war. You figure out the best place to drop a bomb and you do it. Yes it may kill some sympathisers, destroy some useful infrastructure. But you drop the bomb.

They send out the batches with a percentage of poisoned injections to White majority areas. Some of the lesser races get injected. But overall it kills and sterilises more Whites.

They aren't checking social credit scores before injecting each individual. They simply look at the general demographics of an area and either send the batch with a percentage of poisoned ones, or they send the safe ones.

[–] 0 pt

I wouldn't say the people who took it because work said take it or we will shitcan you didn't think for themselves. I will say those who passed fake cards will be hunted by the poisoned.

[–] 1 pt

Thtat's the sad truth. Jabbed will go after unjabbed rather than the system that allowed this to occur.

[–] 0 pt

The people who passed fake cards are part of that system.

[–] 8 pts (edited )

Imagine this -

10 women get the injections. 1 becomes infertile. The other 9 are perfectly fine. The 1 infertile woman thinks it was because of the injections. There is doubt and deniability about it causing infertility, because the other 9 are not infertile. Therefore, the infertility wasn't caused by the injections. Otherwise all of them would be infertile.

Next year 2 more of those 10 women become infertile. Well, that 1 woman from the year before became infertile, but it wasn't caused by the injections, otherwise they would have all become infertile and not all of them did. So sometimes women just become infertile. And these 2 women this year becoming infertile wasn't caused by the injections, because 7 other women got the injections and they aren't infertile.

Then the next year 2 more of the women become infertile. But it isn't the injections because the other 5 are still fine.

They're playing the long game. They didn't poison all of the injections. The injections that they did poison were strategically distributed to certain areas and in certain numbers in order to create doubt and deniability.

A 10% increase in infertility and a 5% increase in early deaths is all they need. 10% here, 5% there - That might not seem like much. But doing that year after year for a decade or two and they have genocided the White race.

They strategically distributed the poisoned injections to White majority areas. And they are only poisoning a certain percentage every year in order to create doubt and deniability. The ones who say that all the injections are poisoned are in on it; they're a part of it. They're creating doubt by forcing the all or nothing debate, so that people won't figure out that some were poisoned and most weren't.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

They're playing the long game.

They have been for thousands of years. What is different is jews are now in a position of power they've never had before, one where they can genocide Whites globally and eliminate their competition.

Most Whites had their history, culture and roots rewritten. They can't see it.

[–] 4 pts


Think of how cheap we'll be able to snatch up prime real estate!

It's crazy to think of what would happen if this really plays out like that. Almost our entire military is vaxxed. Is Russia's or China's military vaxxed?

If kids start dropping dead at an accelerated pace in a few years, there will be riots. If they thought Jan 6th was bad, wait, people will burn that whole city down.

[–] 3 pts

Riots? There wont be anyone left to riot.

[–] 0 pt

We wouldn’t want anyone who willingly got the vax to be rioting in the first place

[–] 3 pts

Is Russia's or China's military vaxxed?

IIRC China has its own non-mRNA vaccine (Sinovac), and I think that's even what some South-American countries used instead of the clotshot made by the cohen-19 bigpharma cartel.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

The spike protein is the bio-weapon. It targets Whites (and South Asians) and spares jews. It doesn't matter how they get the spike protein into your body, just that they do. The mortality numbers they put out in the press are deceptions. Niggers in higher latitudes are dying from Cohen-19 because they are vitamin D deficient. Almost no niggers near the equator are dying from it.

They didn't poison everyone, just a subset. They plan to do it slowly so no one notices the infertility and excess deaths. They are culling Whites and playing the long game.

It's right under our noses. (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

Look at the graphical abstract. (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

[–] 2 pts

Russia also has Sputnik vaccine.

[–] 1 pt

Good to know, I knew they had a different shot, but was not aware it was non-mRNA.

[–] 2 pts

I haven't searched much how it works, but it apparently is more like a flu shot.

That might explain why there are report of the CCP still going full lockdown in cities/districts where people tested 'positive'.

[–] 4 pts

All true, all ignored. Thanks Wa

[–] 3 pts

They didn't poison every injection. Only the ones that went to White majority areas were poisoned. And out of the ones that went to White majority areas, not every injection (this year) was poisoned.

They're playing the long game. 10% increase in infertility here, 5% increase in early deaths there. This year, 1 million people die an early death, another million become infertile. People die. Some women are infertile. It happens. But next year the same thing happens. Then the same thing the year after that, and the year after that. Now it's just the norm. 10% increase in infertility here, 5% increase in early deaths there, year after year. And in a decade or two, the White race is essentially wiped out.

Our enemy is not stupid. The vast majority of people got perfectly safe injections. The poisoned injections were strategically distributed to the right areas in the right amounts in order to create doubt and deniability.

Also, part of their plan is to force people into believing that EVERYONE will die. And when everyone doesn't die, they can continue playing the long game by slowly genociding us.

[–] 3 pts

Dr. Brooks' podcast is American Education FM. Solid show. He covers the collapse of education, education news, the jabs and other medical/geopolitical revelations. Internet laziness misspelled his name and fucked up his credentials instead of doing their due diligence.
He's a patriot. No doubt.

Here's his website. The dude is on Bitchute, Rumble and Gab. https://americaneducationfm.com

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Shits gonna get bad

Putins inflationary climate change of the unvaccinated just got reeeeeaaaaal!

[–] 1 pt

I guess we'll see just how many people took the jab.

[–] 1 pt

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