One user responded to one of her tweets saying, “some of us remember the 80s . took a while for ‘doctors’ to catch on then, too.”
Doctors have to be some of the biggest dumbfucks ever.
Either that or being willfully ignorant. Imagine spending all those years and all that money to be a doctor only to be blacklisted by speaking out against the Vax. Not a good situation they are being put in.
You'd hope they would put patients and truth first, but apparently not.
They spend 12 years completely sleep deprived (no reason to put med students on 72 hour shifts), and told the ama is unfallible, has teams of researchers investigating causes and effects , and to not trust any outside sources due to snake oil salesmen and harmful cures.
They get out owing 500K , and the only way to pay it off is to be a part of the ama.
They were brain washed into following the ama , and financially incentivized that is the correct answer.
Yeah I know a few, they are fucking dumb, nurses too. One doctor, he specializes in kidney, he took the vax and got super super sick. His wife said, yea it was the vax and he refuses to admit it. Also that same doctor, I tried to redpill him on Biden being a chomo and showed that 13 min cspan video. His wife was horrified and was like wtf fuck Biden he's a creep, but he refused to look at the screen the entire time. Just was on his phone. Total faggot. I don't talk to him anymore.
The poor wife. He sounds like he needs a nice wakeup call via a punch to the jaw and his KO happening mid fall to the floor. What a punk bitch and entitled, smug cunt. Anyone vaxxed is in danger and doctors enforcing it are violating their hippocratic oath by using experimental poison on scared morons who listen to globalist propaganda.
lol the wife is more based than he is. Sad she married such a loser.
"I know somethings, therefore I am God" every medical doctor in history.
There's a certain kind of narcissist that ends up in that field and pursuing that line of work. If you think it's "to help people" of anyone older than 5, you're kidding yourself.
Granted there are degrees of narcissism and surgeons are without question the most...however even the "lesser" medical doctors (dentists for example) believe themselves to be of the highest moral and ethical stature.
I've yet to come across a doctor worth very much, outside of ego self inflation and obnoxiousness.
From Dr. Cooper:
I CAN’T request non covid vax blood- blood bank doesn’t register vax status.
According to the Red Cross page on coronavirus and blood donation ( if you have been vaccinated for COVID-19 you must state that along with the manufacturer of your vaccine when you donate blood.
The Red Cross may not label blood products with the vaccination status of the donor, but they easily could because they already have that information. If her local blood bank gets blood from some other donation clinic that clinic can do the same.
This part is amusing:
We barely have enough blood as it is.
What is she worried about?
If only vaccine free people request vaccine free blood there should be enough donors. Is she worried all those happily vaccinated people will start asking for vaccine free blood too?
This trend needs to grow. I want to see the Red Cross openly begging vaccine free people to donate because that’s the only blood anyone will take. Public debates on whether or not vaccine free people should wait behind vaccinated people for vaccine free blood would be hilarious.
Hey, I predict faggots will start requesting only faggot blood, then they'll add that to the Database.
And that'll likely happen before they label non-vax blood too!
Blood transfusions prevent many women from dying from childhood.
Uhhh... No. It can happen but it's not common enough to say it saves many women. the COVID-19 vaccine does not enter the bloodstream...
I can't even wrap my head around thinking of a response for (((that))).
Pure Bloods standing firm.
I would rather die.
I will never get vaccinated by experimental poison. Its been nearly 3 years. Everyone except the vaxxed, sickly, diseased and elderly are perfectly fine. That's how the cold and flu work.
This was accelerated to rig elections, cause fear, create the NWO, destroy the economy and begin total control under the guise of danger that isn't real.
Are you 96 with diabetes? Injected at 6 years old by libtard parents? When you die from the poison it will be labeled Coronaronadingdong I guarantee it.
There was an article recently about a newborn given a transfusion and it died within hours of receiving it. Parents refused vaxxed blood and wanted to direct donate, hospital refused.
Some old gent died after three forced vaxxes and pathology slides showed vax spike proteins stuck to the lining of blood vessels.
There are ways to mitigate this problem by auto-salvaging blood during surgeries or there's a religious solution to this issue: use alternate blood products like they do for Jehovah's Witness. transfusion replacement strategies (
This seems like a business opportunity to me. Not that I’m qualified to take, store, or sell blood.
But someone who is should simply do what these other blood vendors aren’t doing: separate vaxxed from non vaxxed blood and label it as such.
And given the way simple economics work, then non vaxxed blood should be worth a bit more. Ka-ching!
Ha, Everyone should be storing a supply of their own blood , every three to 6 months.
Is this a thing people do?
It should be , i've anecdotally heard of some elite level athletes storing their own blood to avoid using potentially contaminated blood via slack pre-screening protocols etc, and apparently some elite level swiss health clinics offer it to members as part of their paid subscription service for yearly (or whatever) spa treatments ... What better way to ensure 'safe blood/ plasma' than use your own or family members.
Keep your fucking spike proteins to your self.
Too many "Baffled Doctors" to ever trust these assholes with anything outside a hang nail.
(post is archived)