How was he not fired a long long time ago? After the gain of function questioning by Paul i thought he was done. But nope. There's not a scandal able to take him down. The corruption is so apparent, I don't understand the house of cards still stands.
How was he not fired a long long time ago? After the gain of function questioning by Paul i thought he was done
There is no possible way you know how to breathe and are that stupid. 1. fauci is jewish. 2. )))randlet((( is full on anti-American zionist bent on (((totalitarian))) control.
hurrrrrrrrrrrrr but he said some totally cool thing outing the deep state
Never has that happened.
I'm not American. I don't know all the nuance you know. Also, is there any politician in the US that is not sucking the Jewish lobby's dick? All of them are paid by them. It doesn't mean that some truth can't slip out sometime. I'm not saying the Paul guy is trustworthy, I'm saying that as an antivax, anti mandates, his line of questioning of Fauci was interesting. Now, maybe he was laying down probable deniability or he was just pretending to be opposition and it was all theater. I don't know. Just don't rush for my throat as I'm here just trying to educate myself.
Chip Roy is the only one that comes to mind.
But I'm sure some low spectrum autist on here will find a jewish connection.
Because it's all from satan
I seriously believe that.
(post is archived)