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[–] 7 pts

Just an update for any of you who were wondering what happened to her.

[–] 9 pts

She's alive. I've been following this since beginning of 2021. Seems she got injured and signed an NDA for an undisclosed dollar amount.

A hacker hacked her Instagram recently and leaked her DMs between her and her daughter and new photos of her emerged in them. She's also aware of memorial pages dedicated to her. Fucking cunt.

[–] 4 pts

Proof of life is valuable to (((TPTB))). If they aren’t trotting her out in front of cameras as evidence that everything is good - and she’s obviously a whore so it’s just a matter of how much money - she’s more likely dead than not.

[–] 3 pts

They're not gonna trot out a vaccine-injured invalid. From a PR perspective a dead person would be better because you could just say they died of some weird thing. Make it up whole cloth. What are they gonna say about it? Living people can talk. Hence the NDA.

[–] 1 pt

Trust me when I say I'd rather her be dead but she's just another money grubbing whore. I'll make a post with the finds of her partying with family after building a new house on a couple of acres of land after her vax injury income.

[–] 4 pts

If she had lived she would be calling you a conspiracy theorist chud, fuck her.

[–] 4 pts

It cringe how many faggots are now "so sad" about deadfags who would have reported us and cheered on as zogbots held us down and forcibly injected us with poison.

I say good riddance, world is a lot better place without idiots.

[–] 1 pt

Knowing how most vaxfags are, they could be completely paralyzed and insist that others should still get it.

[–] 1 pt


This is way worse than what Hitler may of did, and Moa, Communism. This was a world wide genocide of western people.

[–] 2 pts

Not concentrated enough in the 3rd World if you ask me.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

They don't want to harm any potential migran.... refugees, do they? The Replacement can't happen if there isn't enough people to come in and do the replacing.

[–] 1 pt

Wasn’t there some hacker that took control of her account and when he found out who the account belonged to he exposed himself and said the account was completely inactive other than him? Someone had posted the screenshot of it here

[–] 0 pt

Thanks for keeping her memory alive.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Very comfortably over 1 billion people got these vaccines (there are 12 of them).

Is the point trying to make it seem - ominously - that the vaccine killed her?

You can have syncope and still be a nurse, by the way.

Always be suspicious of these emotionally charged social media comments.

This Tiffany Dover conspiracy theory has long since been debunked.

She explains her fainting condition, here:


A follow-up with the hospital where she works was done and she is confirmed to still be working there.

VERDICT False. A spokeswoman for CHI Memorial, where Tiffany Dover works, confirmed to Reuters that she is well.

An entire documentary was done on the Tiffany Dover conspiracy theory that goes through how all of this nonsense started and how these lies continue to survive:


Hint: it was China. China has been on a massive campaign to undermine the US and they've wanted to make our vaccines look scary and bad so they could push their vaccines. It's retarded as fuck that 18 months later, the Tiffany Dover bullshit has survived this long.

Before you post retarded shit like this from your Facebook bros, do a small amount of research. Just a tiny bit. So you don't look retarded for falling for it.

Edit - She's alive and still working at the hospital, you fucking morons. You come at me with insults and ad hominems instead of just saying, "Damn...we were retarded for falling for this bullshit." What the hell is wrong with you retards?

[–] [deleted] 5 pts (edited )

Reuters and the AP is run by pfiezer. Ill never believe anything they say. One of pfiezers senior board members runs their fact checking operations. If you are going to believe stories paid for edited by and published by pfiezer you may as well go get your jabs and boosters.

[–] 0 pt

Uhuh. And the fact that she's literally still working at the hospital and NBC News did a documentary on her and how things got out of control has nothing at all to do with how retarded this photoshop image is?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Is she still working at the hospital? NBC can photoshop too you know. I watched this documentary "Tifanny dover is dead" and they never actually gave proof of life. You know by talking to the person, calling them on the phone anything. They hospital made a statement and that was taken as a truth but lets not pretend it's any more evidence than what this screen cap presents. You are in the era of total information war. Time to wake up statements especially ones involving corporations and lawyers are as reliable as a screen cap on the internet.

[–] 3 pts

Get boosted, kike.

[–] 0 pt

Sad your bullshit Facebook photoshop retard story was debunked?

How about stop posting retarded bullshit like this and believing every Chinese lie you see.

Has nothing to do with the vaccines and only to do with how absolutely apeshit retarded people like you have become.

[–] 0 pt

It's interesting how you took that as an insult. If the vaccine is "comfortable," safe and effective, then me telling you to get boosted is like saying "peace be with you" in libtard.

Also, I didn't post this story. I'm very sorry got a dead end job monitoring posts on Poal because nobody respects you and you're not smart enough to do much else, and your woman probably left you.

[–] 2 pts

..oh, and only a chineez mcfaggolot would post some fuckin nbc truthers podcast shit.

[–] 0 pt

Hate your dumbass conspiracy theories being debunked?

Then stop believing in stupid bullshit Chinese Propoganda that was created specifically to depower the US and the West.

You retarded faggots keep reposting absolute retardedness from social media.

"Hur dur, NBC News did a documentary on how the Tiffany Dover bullshit started so it is clearly a lie and the social media photoshop some retard posted is definitely correct." <-You and retarded faggots like you. Get fucked, Chinese Shill.

[–] 2 pts

This was done shortly after her fainting (within 48hrs iirc). She hasn't done any other press release besides another one at the hospital where she didn't talk and wore a mask. Despite this she's still alive and was more than likely injured and paid not to talk about her vax injury.

[–] 0 pt

And the documentary on this lie was done in 2022.

The Reuters fact check breaks down every last talking point including the Ancestry.com bullshit. Hint: some fuckers - likely Chinese - created that entry.

She's still working at the hospital, alive and well.