we had more patient than is normal for a hospital, we had to create more beds and bring in extra nurses and funding
This is patently false. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on field hospitals that treated a few dozen patients and then closed nearly 2 fucking years ago. The hospital ships were sent and not used, or not used well. There is no need for the continued hysteria that we buy the medical establishment toys that they insist on not using and then throwing away.
hey guys, this virus is very contagious, but we are just going to sit around and wait for herd immunity to preserve muh freedoms, but if any of you get really sick you are probably going to die.
Yeah it sucks for people with an average of 4 or more comorbidities and on average over the age of 65 who make up 3/4 of the deaths. Maybe they shouldn't have laid of medical workers from elective surgeries that could have saved lives or the staff themselves could have saved lives by continuing to work. Maybe they could have used all the emergency field hospitals, maybe they could have turned around and not fired the people who refused the vaccines. Maybe they should have held out for a vaccine that provides sterilizing immunity rather than something that is bound to spread more lethal strains because people can carry them without knowing instead of getting mildly ill, taking some sick time, and sit around scratching their ass for 2 weeks.
incurable viruses suddenly appear, because that's what would happen
HCQ and Ivermectin were widely known about prior to the start of the pandemic.
field hospitals not used
yes, we did the same, so what? you prepare for the issues that might happen, not what is happening that day. What if variant X turns super virulent?
You didn't go to Iraq prepared to fight the Iraqi guard who were obviously going to run away on day one. You took enough weapons to fight a 2 week war
it sucks for people
that's how society works, it reacts to issues that are not +/- 5 years around your age, and it wasn't just old people dying
held out for a vaccine that provides sterilizing immunity
if that was possible, we'd have a flue vaccine by now
HCQ and Ivermectin
that's not my point go read a history book on what happens when incurable viruses suddenly appear everyone dies, society collapses
you want to sit there and do nothing and hope that every future pandemic fizzles out?
Ok it is clear you're just full of caustic argumentation. Welcome to the block list kid.
caustic argumentation
lol, nobody uses block lists, they all look to see what people are saying
(post is archived)