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One guy commented to defend this by saying “of course they won’t take pictures of real people! They need to respect their privacy.”

One guy commented to defend this by saying “of course they won’t take pictures of real people! They need to respect their privacy.”

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 2 pts (edited )

ugh, this subforum does fuck all fact checking, I swear you are all stupid jew bots, it needs a likely bullshit warning under any vax posts

"the scene was filmed in April 2020 in Canada, taken from a service where the protocol of health workers was shown during the treatment of a patient, to show the public how Covid patients are treated by healthcare professionals"


manikins are used all the time for nurse training, particularly in situations where if you fuck up you could get infected yourself


[–] [deleted] 3 pts

How does any of this refute the fact that the media is putting footage of maniquins hooked up to life support or in oxygen tents to play up a virus that according to worldometers has a rate among positive patients of .2% critical cases.

[–] 0 pt

the media are just showing the preps because governments want to be seen to be doing something

we had more patient than is normal for a hospital, we had to create more beds and bring in extra nurses and funding

what did you expect them to do? hey guys, this virus is very contagious, but we are just going to sit around and wait for herd immunity to preserve muh freedoms, but if any of you get really sick you are probably going to die. And the more you spread it at an exponential rate, the more of you are likely to die. This is also a good time to hug your parents.

rich people all fled NY and sat on a yacht for months, they knew what was going to happen in the cities

honestly, go read a history book on what happens when incurable viruses suddenly appear, because that's what would happen

we had more patient than is normal for a hospital, we had to create more beds and bring in extra nurses and funding

This is patently false. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on field hospitals that treated a few dozen patients and then closed nearly 2 fucking years ago. The hospital ships were sent and not used, or not used well. There is no need for the continued hysteria that we buy the medical establishment toys that they insist on not using and then throwing away.


hey guys, this virus is very contagious, but we are just going to sit around and wait for herd immunity to preserve muh freedoms, but if any of you get really sick you are probably going to die.

Yeah it sucks for people with an average of 4 or more comorbidities and on average over the age of 65 who make up 3/4 of the deaths. Maybe they shouldn't have laid of medical workers from elective surgeries that could have saved lives or the staff themselves could have saved lives by continuing to work. Maybe they could have used all the emergency field hospitals, maybe they could have turned around and not fired the people who refused the vaccines. Maybe they should have held out for a vaccine that provides sterilizing immunity rather than something that is bound to spread more lethal strains because people can carry them without knowing instead of getting mildly ill, taking some sick time, and sit around scratching their ass for 2 weeks.

incurable viruses suddenly appear, because that's what would happen

HCQ and Ivermectin were widely known about prior to the start of the pandemic.

[–] 3 pts

This doesn't disprove the allegation made in the image which was that this footage was used by French TV to frighten people.

[–] 0 pt

yes it does, because the story was about training nurses for covid

[–] 4 pts

I think he's saying it was also used by the media elsewhere as a scare tactic. Not sure how true that is though.

[–] 1 pt

They can’t have it both ways though. Because since early 2020, they have been showing actual patients in the ICU or just ICU staff walking around in PPE as if it actually is proof of a pandemic.

[–] -1 pt

as if it actually is proof of a pandemic

they've also shown body bags in the street too.

pandemic just means an infectious disease spread over a large region, which this is, and the cyclical nature of each wave of infections shows how little control we have over this

[–] 1 pt

Cool, thanks for sharing. I just thought this was funny and didn’t care to look deeper.

[–] 4 pts

Look milky it's not particularly funny when a manikin looses her arm from covid complications. I saw a fully clothed manikin fall over at the mall the other day. This virus It's no joke. She lost her head and arms.

Seriously one minute she is working in the window display all lovely and innocent and then BAM total chaos droped like a rock. Hell the virus spread so fast in that tiny window display so fast it took out her boyfriend's arm instantly. He never saw it coming.

Makes you really think. Enjoy every moment with family and friends now. Lifes short.

Be blessed brother.

[–] 1 pt

its funny how a race of NPCs from shin megami tensei nocturne has almost completely replaced the correct spelling of mannequin, even in places almost completely divorced from gaming discussion like poal.

[–] 0 pt

yep that's fine, but if normies come here, we kinda look like morons because some of poal takes everything at face value and will start ranting about 5G nanobots controlling their mind

If it's funny, just post it in /funny or somewhere

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I swear you are all stupid jew bots,

Do you not have spell check for 'manikins'? And we're stupid?

You catch more flies with sugar Mr. Caustic.

[–] 0 pt

"Manikin’s are similar to mannequins where they are human shaped models used to simulate the human body. Instead of being used to show off clothing, manikins are used to help simulate medical, surgical, or clinical scenarios. "


[–] 1 pt

Right, I commented below, but you did say that you thought initially the spelling was wrong, and anyway the dumb meme person should have taken that into account. Nobody knows what a 'maniken' is so they should have gone with the 'wrong' spelling but that's not your fault.

You could however chill a bit.

[–] 1 pt

We get what we deserve. We've allowed them to take over our education, our media, our governments, our institutions meant to protect our most vulnerable.

[–] 1 pt

Sadly, the patient was already dead.

I know it was just a training mannequin but I bet they still counted it as a covid death.

Will this virus affect @Anticlutch's girlfriend? She's a Canadian RealDoll. Oh who am I kidding, HE is a Canadian Resusci-Johnny.