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From the Red Cross “the vaccine wipes out your covid 19 antibodies.” Isn’t that the exact opposite of what a vaccine should do?

If this doesn’t wake up the “normies” then nothing will…

From the Red Cross “the vaccine wipes out your covid 19 antibodies.” Isn’t that the exact opposite of what a vaccine should do? If this doesn’t wake up the “normies” then nothing will…

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 19 pts

Why do they need pure blood? Why would I, as a pureblood, donate my actual blood to people who hate me for not getting the jab?

[–] 0 pt

I think it goes to other purebloods.

[–] 0 pt

Most ppl just blindly went along with organisation's they naively trusted.

We all said it. This drug experiment was people running out of time to recognize that they were in danger

[–] 2 pts

I got some O pos pure blood that’s probably worth it’s weight in gold. Pony up vax addicts!

How much are illegals getting as they illegally enter the US because they knowingly left their kids and went back home?

Yea that'll work. 450k per liter.

Get woke become a joke.

[–] 1 pt

Why should anyone give their eyes to someone who willingly made themselves blind for the states benefit?

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

I have a reasonably hard to get blood type and used to donate all the time. Not now.

Same. Even if I could be paid the weight in gold I wouldn't. I will never trust another needle for the rest of my life.

[–] 0 pt

I stopped a decade ago when they made it harder and harder and longer and longer time spent to donate blood.

Now they can have it but come to my house and bring tea and cookies

[–] 0 pt

I'm honestly in same boat, I trust so little I don't want any needles near me ever again

[–] 0 pt

Same here. Now that they are using mrna technology / gene therapy as treatment for this situation, god knows if they will be changing existing vaxx substances to use the same technology and approach.

Not only have they shot all of their credibility with the current situation, they have forever poisoned trust in vaccines into the future.

[–] 7 pts


[–] 1 pt

Basically the first thing I thought of.

"Hahahahahaha get fucked!"

[–] 7 pts

If you're good at something, never do it for free...

[–] 1 pt

Just not gunna do it at all.

[–] 4 pts

WTF? So why don't they call for the vaxed to help the vaxxed?

[–] 6 pts

Thank you. I'm not going to donate my pure blood. Especially to vaccinated people who think I'm a monster. On top of that, I don't trust clinicians to not accidentally give me a graphene spike protein shot.

[–] 2 pts

tough shit. My blood will only ever go to a Pureblood.

[–] 2 pts

Pay yourself on the back if you called this. I fucking knew they’d admit vaxxed blood is basically poison.

I mean, why is it no good? Could it be that they’re giving different people different shots? Some get placebos, others get some weird gene therapy shit? It’s an experiment and they lost control of it.

[–] 1 pt

That right there should be reason enough to be a warning for people. Vaccine Wipes out anti bodies.
Aka gives you aids

[–] 1 pt

I'll donate for 10 bitcoins per liter.

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