This fag only comes on here to bitch, his comments never contribute anything but triggered rhetoric. Nigger has lost control of their life and comes in here to vent and blow off steam, I get it. I don’t even disagree with most of what this poster says, they just go about it in such a womanly manner. Give them a break!
2 day new account
knows how I comment
Hello moshe. No. The issue here is the immune system is more than capable of fighting off quite a lot of different various diseases at the same time. It can and will be overworked and straining but that isn't what he said.
he's a woman!!!!
Go back to training 101.
Ur AcCoUnT iS NeW, CheCkMaTe!!!(https://images .gl/czUVa7cXm6B4ZXwF9)
jewgle image sourced via (((/lit/)))
Go back to reddit.
(post is archived)