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'muh sports ball', but it is good to see high profile Americans speaking out like this.

'muh sports ball', but it is good to see high profile Americans speaking out like this.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

"I may be laying here in a hospital bed dying from COVID, but I'm fully vaccinated and you should be too!"

[–] 3 pts

Just think of how much worse you'd be dying if you weren't vaxxed!

[–] 2 pts

Triple-dog-dare-death! It's deadlier than other deaths!

[–] 2 pts

I saw an 82 year old man this week with embolic strokes (from a clot/heart origin) who had been vaxxed 8 days prior.

Is everyone aware that the CDC doesn’t even consider you fully vaccinated until 14 days after your second shot?

[–] 0 pt

I don't think most are, and this contributes to all the shills pointing out "But they were unvaxed!" because that's what the official death notice says.

[–] 1 pt


Fucking finally!

[–] 1 pt

Sorry to disappoint you fren, it was just a sarcastic remark. I'm as healthy as anyone can be at my age.

[–] 1 pt

What the fuck? You aren't dying?


[–] 2 pts

Nice, I knew Rodgers wasn't a twit, plus im sure he's rich already, so not as much pressure on him to conform.

[–] 0 pt

Biggest diva in professional football

[–] 1 pt

ahahahahahahahaha Your fucking nose is showing. If you think he's the biggest diva when he's surrounded by chimp homosexuals... Come the fuck on.

[–] -2 pt

He just threatened to retire in order to have all his needs met. He's an arrogant asshole who constantly chokes yet it always winds up being someone else's fault. Hopefully one of those chimp homo's breaks his fucking back this season.

[–] 1 pt

I was going to read this then saw it was from (((the blaze))) all this new media news max the blaze oan... all just different jew controlled shit the blaze is one of the worst

[–] 0 pt

The headline gives you gist of the content anyways.

[–] 1 pt

Im shocked Rodgers supports non vaccinating, he's firm believer of the BLM movement so this confuses me

[–] 1 pt

They are two different issues.

[–] 2 pts

They are both woke virtue signalling issues

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Which redpills people are vulnerable too is highly based on the individual. Everyone has a weak spot though (except coal burners and trannies as they have mental disorders) just have to find it. Maybe death jabs will bring him around maybe not.