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[–] 1 pt

Oh, that's a good point. Although I will have a hard time weeping over the death of the Boomers.

As much as they economically fucked us, Boomer is the last demographic to be 50/50 liberal/conservative chipping away at that even slightly can bring the whole house of cards down, with immigrants and racially targeted people by Democrats having the means to reproduce from all the free shit they get.

[–] 1 pt

Conservatives are fucking us. All a Conservative is is a Liberal 20 years behind the current Liberal agenda.

20 years ago, Conservatives were anti gay marriage. Today, they're fine with it and would never dream of ending it. Today, they want to keep trans athletes out of bio athlete's sports. 20 years from now they'll be totally fine with it and consider you a bigot if you suggest we go back to biological seperation of genders.

40 years from now they'll be agreeing that children can consent to sex with adults.

Conservatives are no different from Liberals

Conservatives are no different from Liberals

False. Conservatives simply let a cultural war pass them by because of hyper individualism. Conservatives should have removed the state from marriage instead of caring whether homosexuals could be married. Conservatives are allowing liberals and progressives to pick up torches and form a coalition that should never exist. By all rights blacks are socially conservative and would despise homosexuals, and the new golden child that the democratic party has made out of hispanics. Hispanics are equally "homophobic" and despise the violence that blacks bring to low income communities. Homosexuals are a vanguard to reclaim high crime neighborhoods from blacks because they don't have to worry about the quality of schools or their children because they don't have any. Trans people are such a tiny minority outside of the social contagion they've been allowed to create, that they are basically invisible except for the microphone that conservatives have allowed the lib/prog to place in front of them. Collectivism is survival tactic, pure and simple. "Conservatives" must form a set of unwavering values around which everyone will rally, every single time. Even if the only value was willingness to not cave under allegations of racism, or the ability to cast mild criticism in the direction of semites.