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It happened. aou went bezerk, called me a kike, and slowed down my account. first i thought he was this way because of a lot of stress by being the admin. now i understand that he is mentally unstable. i don't know why. maybe he is autistic, or maybe he is a cokehead. anyway, i'm posting only on scored now. see you, mates.

It happened. aou went bezerk, called me a kike, and slowed down my account. first i thought he was this way because of a lot of stress by being the admin. now i understand that he is mentally unstable. i don't know why. maybe he is autistic, or maybe he is a cokehead. anyway, i'm posting only on scored now. see you, mates.

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 3 pts (edited )

WTF? Would you mind providing a little background and a few specifics?

EDIT: I don't understand what happened here: https://poal.co/s/Movies/543547

[–] 6 pts

OP was on my watch list for posting a link to pedophilia (https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/463492).

He has been playing the retard, mudding the water of askpoal/tellpoal with retarded posts/polls after I refused to give him ownership of /s/conspiracy, for obvious reasons. (kinda like Engrish but in a less obvious way).

Not only that, but he's been insulting me in PM since the day he joined, every time I moved a post or reminded him about the ToS.

Since then, he's been slowly pushing for the normalization of jewry by mixing woke/degenerate content.

[–] 3 pts

Just so people understand this has basis, I'm cut and pasting from another thread. I was just unbanned.


Where I said: Will point out, he (conspirologist) banned me from universal claiming only Jews have high verbal IQs, therefore I'm a Jew. He did this while siding with a jew account against me. The jew account had started a public campaign against me. Conspirologist was quick to baselessly jump in, (agreeing I was "pilpulling", or whatever it's called). I say jew account because it eventually got the jew icon and was banned or abandoned.

I pointed out to him that by claiming I'm a jew simply because of high verbal IQ (his words), he's claiming Jews are smarter than whites. As that position excludes whites with high verbal IQs. And that such a position is inherently pro jewish. He banned me.

His official position is Jews are (verbally) smarter than whites, he sided with a jew against me simply because I could verbally defend my position against a jew, and then supported banning, as Jews do, simply because he was exposed. I've been banned ever since (just unbanned).

Heck, right before the migration I made a joke exposing his hypocrisy. But it was light hearted. He banned me from a second sub, claiming I am a troll.


Needless to say, he's been on my jewdar for a very long time. At best, he's a hypocritical idiot.

[–] 2 pts

OP was on my watch list for a posting link to pedophilia (https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/463492).

That link was deleted so it's hard to see how it was pedophilia.

He has been playing the retard mudding the water of askpoal, tellpoal with retarded posts/polls after I refused to give him ownership of /s/conspiracy, for obvious reasons. (Kinda like Engrish but in a less obvious way).

I've seen the multiple poll posts. While annoying, I don't remember them being about pedophilia. I also don't understand the obvious reasons for not giving him that sub, unless it's because he has a hundred of them already.

Not only that, but he's been insulting me in PM since the day he joined, every time I moved a post or reminded him about the ToS.

Yeah, that's gotta be annoying as fuck. I get them sometimes after I move a post out of USPolitics.

Since then, he's been slowly pushing for normalization of jewry by mixing woke/degenerate content.

I guess I haven't been paying as much attention as I used to. What with my hectic work and travel schedule lately. It's your site. It all boils down to that.

[–] 3 pts

That link was deleted so it's hard to see how it was pedophilia.

I know, but I'm not gonna post it here (it was a link to a discussions.app pedo-post made by JMC.

Only a retarded kike with malicious motive would intentionally share such link on Poal, especially knowing we have a zero policy regarding pedophilia. I warned and gave him a second chance. Exactly like Engrish.

I've seen the multiple poll posts. While annoying, I don't remember them being about pedophilia.

Please read again. I never said he posted pedophilia in askpoal/tellpoal.

It's your site.

I'm not doing this for me, but to protect poal. History has shown, multiple times, what happens when you let power users take control of the narrative.

[–] 1 pt

I fucking forgot about Joe...

He said because of this post. It doesn't make sense.


[–] 0 pt (edited )

What happened is that AOU is acting like a psycho. I stopped posting and commenting months ago, sometime after boobs passed away. AOU seemed to get a lot friendlier after that happened but that didn't seem to last long. I realized that I didn't want to be his friend and that him acting like a loose cannon made me a bit nervous. He is never able to admit any fault or shortcomings and responds to all criticism with his typical canned "lol" and "shlomo" responses.

Then, I saw him break his own TOS on pedophelia by posting back-up links to pedo images in this post: https://archive.ph/4cRNH

After that, I knew he was seriously fucked up but I didn't call him out because I hoped to come back some day but then AOU locked me out of my account out of the blue and that was that.

@AOU, you have created an amazing website and you have my admiration for that. Also, you do a great job dealing with spammers. But that said, you are not well liked by most people here because you rule by fear. Most everyone is afraid of getting on your bad side as you quash all dissent with petty torments and bans.

I don't know what else to say except that you should consider NOT posting or commenting anywhere outside of poaldev and finding someone else to act as the public face of poal.

[–] 1 pt

But that said, you are well liked by most people here because you rule by fear. Most everyone is afraid of getting on your bad side as you quash all dissent with petty torments and bans.

I seriously doubt that many people here are afraid of a site ban, let alone "most" people.

[–] 0 pt

Site bans are a last resort. It's mostly the petty torments and "fading" like he just did with me. I registered a new account just to reply to this thread. I have broken no TOS and merely criticized AOU who responded by slapping a nose on me and dropping the contrast on my account. What more proof do you need. He does it all the time.

his typical canned "lol" and "shlomo" responses.

I completely get why he does this. A truly collossal effort would have to be made on his part to thoroughly BTFO every single jew that comes through here wanting to cause trouble. That would be on top of further developing and sustaining Poal.co. Who has the time for that? He probably has a day job like most of us. If it were me, I'd respond the same way. So many jews, so little time.

[–] 0 pt

He has time enough time to act like a vile cunt.

[–] 0 pt

lol Can you kvetch a little harder?

[–] 0 pt

No, I've forgotten how to do that "intensify" markdown thing.

[–] 0 pt

Same. I usually get where AOU is on a subject when he calls the kikes/glowies out, but this seems very random? Maybe AOU can provide context

[–] [deleted] -1 pt

It still amazes me when AOU suddenly attacks one of his biggest contributors to his site. The bread and butter of the internet. He’s vicious and goes after them like they killed jesus. His self destruction has no limit. His supporters are either one of his alts (he’s got plenty) or delusional Iike yourself. He craps out schlomo nonsense and accuses every one of being Jews. Me thinks he doth protest to much…

He is actually insane.

[–] 3 pts

lol Try Harder, Swindly Moshe.

I can’t try any harder than this, but I can continue to try to reach your sensible side. At least you speech well.

Here’s my obligatory insult “hey AOU, jew has three letters as well!”

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

>The bread and butter of the internet.

You must be new to the internet.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

No, I’m just on a mission from god.

Edit notice how my interweb points keep getting reset to -100. I’m striking somebody’s nerve, hehe.