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[–] 4 pts

The calls for unvaccinated to be ostracized and punished grow louder and louder in the U.S. The media has executed their plan, as they always do.

Wouldn't be surprised to see similar measures over here in 6-9 months

[–] 3 pts

There are a lot of people with allergies, auto-immune issues, cardiac issues, and other health problems that unquestionably will be harmed if not killed by taking the worthless vax. Are we really making their options die from the vax or die from starvation and homelessness?

I have a severe auto-immune issue caused by a drug (Cipro) that I should have never been prescribed in the first place. Taking anything that will trigger a strong immune response could easily be fatal for me. I also don't believe any doctor will risk their license to say I shouldn't get the vax. That's even supposing they would take a doctor's note to begin with.

On top of that several studies are showing worse outcomes for the vaxxed than the unvaxxed. I know from my experience with Cipro that the FDA, CDC, and most of the medical community don't care about my health or well being already. The only way any of this makes sense is if I assume we're at the start of a world wide genocide.

[–] 5 pts

Are we really making their options die from the vax or die from starvation and homelessness?

That's exactly what the kikes, libs, and commies want. Death to those who dissent against totalitarianism.

The only way any of this makes sense is if I assume we're at the start of a world wide genocide.

That's exactly what it is. A slow, subversive genocide. Most of the goyim don't realize it - they're too busy watching Netflix and waiting for their next booster shot.

[–] 3 pts

Someone with health issues that has survived nearly 2 years of covid should be exempt from vax.

[–] 3 pts

Someone with health issues that has survived nearly 2 years of covid should be exempt from vax.

No one should have to get the vax. Especially not to supposedly protect other people or society.

No, it shouldn’t fucking matter. I mean, you’re right, but that shouldn’t matter. The vaccines could be safe, effective, and could literally be saving thousands upon thousands of lives and if you don’t want to take it you shouldn’t have to explain it. Just no. No. We say no. We. Say. No. And that’s the end of it.

But if they learned nothing else over the last five years it is that we will roll over for anything. We won’t fight back. Will support people who talk big shit and never fight back. Complete losers who fail at everything, we will continue to follow them around and even hold massive rallies for them even though they completely bailed out on us and fucked up everything they touched. There is no opposition to these people, that has been proven, proven beyond all doubt to them now. They can even get caught red-handed lying for FISA warrants and nothing will happen to them. They spent the four years of dummy’s administration proving to themselves and everyone else around the world that they have carte blanche to do whatever they want.

In short? They won.