I really can't understand the UK. Like, how did they go from owning most of the world to being completely passive and don't give a fuck about their country's utter embarrassment and destruction? It's not just "jews". Something happened to their brains.
I really can't understand the UK. Like, how did they go from owning most of the world to being completely passive and don't give a fuck about their country's utter embarrassment and destruction? It's not just "jews". Something happened to their brains.
jewry in education.
jewry in education.
Why aren't they angry?
Why aren't they angry?
Brainwashed into submission. Multiculturalism is their reality. They believe niggers and pajeets have been here forever, because the jews-owned MSM and entertainment industry told them so.
Brainwashed into submission. Multiculturalism is their reality. They believe niggers and pajeets have been here forever, because the jews-owned MSM and entertainment industry told them so.