Make my ring tone "Bob the Buikder" and change my first name to Leonard. Got it.
Make my ring tone "Bob the Buikder" and change my first name to Leonard. Got it.
Make my ring tone "Bob the Buikder" and change my first name to Leonard. Got it.
a man was investigated for racial hatred because he whistled the Bob the Builder tune at his neighbour.
This is how you stop overreach: you flip the tables and report everything as a hate crime.
I felt unsafe due to the hostile way my neighbor looked at me. The neighbor's children were shooting bright orange projectiles at me from their yard. I heard the word jew by the other neighbor. And so on.
On a serious note, in order for charging hate crimes for whistling, there must be a list of prohibited tunes. Now I'll keep track of Bob the Builder. What other prohibited tunes are there? I need to know.