Now do the Koran and see how far that goes...
young people can be dumb af. As a younger person myself at one point, I too fell for the trendy world shit. The world come to find out is evil af and turmoil to those who don't know better.
They'll fuck around, they'll find out.
shoud do the quran and talmud then ask if they even heard of it
Can they also ban the word "perfect" everytime young adults say it I get offended.
Recruiters use a lifetime's supply of the work perfect when they call.
"I found your resume online and I think you're perfect for this." "We're looking for a HHF that can use OOE and KKV in a PPW with JJM. Skills required are medical degrees and OOEOFKIKKF." "You'd be perfect for that job, does that sound like something you'd be interested in?" ""Um..." "You're perfect for this position!" "You made that alphabet soup up, didn't you? I don't have a clue what any of that means." (I said this to one that was particularly annoying.) "Oh, if we run across anything more suitable, I'll call!"
Yeah, not so perfect now, am I?
Been the Talmud. Chewing on baby dicks is offensive
Further proof the plan is working.
Is young just another euphemism for rapefugee?
When this traitor monarch holds the title the Defender of the Faith....
(post is archived)