I'm dubious about the OP's point, we have bunkers full of weapons and all of it has to be either used after 10 years or they get scrapped/archived. Stuff being sent to Ukraine is all our old stock along with some new kit, it is basically a convenient dumping ground. IIRC Germany keeps a lot of old gear too. So does Russia, all those T-62's its sending in are almost WWII vintage.
Yes some will take a long time to replenish using existing factories, but those factories were only intended to replenish normal wastage, not to supply a European war, which is what Radakin is talking about.
The unspoken bit is that those weapons are being used to kill Russian tanks, so every dead Russian tank is one less we would need a missile for, so nothing is actually being lost here.
We also have vastly more potential to ramp up our arms industry than Russia does, hence all their goto bullshitting of a nuclear war. Europe as a group is hugely more capable than Russia in economic terms. https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/European-Union/Russia/Economy But this is a bad time to be spending money on stupid wars, we are kinda kicking the can down the road here, it makes more sense to invest in future weapons platforms instead of restocking old tat.
Also in comparison to America, the US has VAST stocks of weapons, their whole strategy was fighting two wars at the same time and winning both
Presently, the US is decreasing its artillery ammunition stockpiles. In 2020, artillery ammunition purchases decreased by 36% to $425 million. In 2022, the plan is to reduce expenditure on 155mm artillery rounds to $174 million. This is equivalent to 75,357 M795 basic ‘dumb’ rounds for regular artillery, 1,400 XM1113 rounds for the M777, and 1,046 XM1113 rounds for Extended Round Artillery Cannons. Finally, there are $75 million dedicated for Excalibur precision-guided munitions that costs $176K per round, thus totaling 426 rounds. In short, US annual artillery production would at best only last for 10 days to two weeks of combat in Ukraine. If the initial estimate of Russian shells fired is over by 50%, it would only extend the artillery supplied for three weeks.
The US is not the only country facing this challenge. In a recent war game involving US, UK and French forces, UK forces exhausted national stockpiles of critical ammunition after eight days.
Unfortunately, this is not only the case with artillery. Anti-tank Javelins and air-defence Stingers are in the same boat. The US shipped 7,000 Javelin missiles to Ukraine – roughly one-third of its stockpile – with more shipments to come. Lockheed Martin produces about 2,100 missiles a year, though this number might ramp up to 4,000 in a few years. Ukraine claims to use 500 Javelin missiles every day.
The expenditure of cruise missiles and theatre ballistic missiles is just as massive. The Russians have fired between 1,100 and 2,100 missiles. The US currently purchases 110 PRISM, 500 JASSM and 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles annually, meaning that in three months of combat, Russia has burned through four times the US annual missile production. The Russian rate of production can only be estimated. Russia started missile production in 2015 in limited initial runs, and even in 2016 the production runs were estimated at 47 missiles. This means that it had only five to six years of full-scale production.
If competition between autocracies and democracies has really entered a military phase, then the arsenal of democracy must radically improve its approach to the production of materiel in wartime The initial stockpile in February 2022 is unknown, but considering expenditures and the requirement to hold substantial stockpiles back in case of war with NATO, it is unlikely that the Russians are worried. In fact, they seem to have enough to expend operational-level cruise missiles on tactical targets. The assumption that there are 4,000 cruise and ballistic missiles in the Russian inventory is not unreasonable. This production will probably increase despite Western sanctions. In April, ODK Saturn, which makes Kalibr missile motors, announced an additional 500 job openings. This suggests that even in this field, the West only has parity with Russia.
The US does not have the production capacity to wage a sustained war with russia for more than a few days. They aren't going to ramp up their production of advanced weapons to the levels needed in less then 5-10 years. The time it takes to assemble entirely new factories and equipment and train personnel. The underlying infrastructure is not there and vast swaths of the components are manufactured exclusively in china. You don't need just a missile factory. You need to build every factory down the supply chain to supply the components including the production facilities to mine and process the resources. None of which currently even exist in the US because they were all shut down and sold off with the equipment moved to china and asia.
https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/biden-better-buy-more-bullets Theres the original article with links to the numbers.
Oh for fucks sake!!, just lost a really long reply because poal times out its fucking tokens or something,
short version ammo doesn't matter any other scenario is counter by nuclear weapons loss of skills do, we are better than Russia in this
russia will win ukraine and then lose it because putin will die and the new guy will negotiate his way out of a pariah shithole future
none of it matters because China will shit down everyone's neck regardless because they operate more effectively
china is the only thing worth worrying about because it invests in education and making money, whereas say 85% of niggers can't read and it thinks in terms of no child left behind
america is prepping for the wrong war over Taiwan, China will win without firing a shot because it will own everything of strategic importance
Russia is gaining skills America is losing them. I work for one of the few remaining manufacturing facilities in a city of 2 million. It's dead jim. The people have no skills and the few with creativity are stymied with extremally poor management who specifically avoids talent because they can't easily replace it. Practice makes perfect and America doesn't practice just preach. That doesn't hunt or make the society self sustaining. Whereas russia is a true soverign the west can completely shut them out destroying their own societies with a lack of energy and it matters not at all to russia. Their society will still exist while the west collapses with blackouts and food riots.
You are right they aren't instigating a conventional war. The plan is to go nuclear and probably with a first strike because the US can't win a conventional war. America won't exist after we go nuclear. The aristocrats think their bunkers wont be penetrated by hypersonic bunker busters tipped with nuclear warheads. Nobody wins a nuclear war i dont care what kind of nonsense is pushed about how badass we are. When its over government and all the existing infrastructure is destroyed large swaths of the useless population dead.
(post is archived)