Oh for fucks sake!!, just lost a really long reply because poal times out its fucking tokens or something,
short version ammo doesn't matter any other scenario is counter by nuclear weapons loss of skills do, we are better than Russia in this
russia will win ukraine and then lose it because putin will die and the new guy will negotiate his way out of a pariah shithole future
none of it matters because China will shit down everyone's neck regardless because they operate more effectively
china is the only thing worth worrying about because it invests in education and making money, whereas say 85% of niggers can't read and it thinks in terms of no child left behind
america is prepping for the wrong war over Taiwan, China will win without firing a shot because it will own everything of strategic importance
Russia is gaining skills America is losing them. I work for one of the few remaining manufacturing facilities in a city of 2 million. It's dead jim. The people have no skills and the few with creativity are stymied with extremally poor management who specifically avoids talent because they can't easily replace it. Practice makes perfect and America doesn't practice just preach. That doesn't hunt or make the society self sustaining. Whereas russia is a true soverign the west can completely shut them out destroying their own societies with a lack of energy and it matters not at all to russia. Their society will still exist while the west collapses with blackouts and food riots.
You are right they aren't instigating a conventional war. The plan is to go nuclear and probably with a first strike because the US can't win a conventional war. America won't exist after we go nuclear. The aristocrats think their bunkers wont be penetrated by hypersonic bunker busters tipped with nuclear warheads. Nobody wins a nuclear war i dont care what kind of nonsense is pushed about how badass we are. When its over government and all the existing infrastructure is destroyed large swaths of the useless population dead.
ah yes, that was my missing point, we desperately need to keep a highly skilled manufacturing base going (preferably doing something other than making F-35's, everyone needs to copy Germany on this).
Outsourcing this capability to Asia was beyond stupid, China must have been laughing its ass off when we all did that.
You can't control this with tariffs, but you can create a culture where say not buying American is socially the worst thing ever. This was my favourite thing from Trump, he's the only one that got this. It should have been a federal policy, and then any CEO that outsourced to China found a horse's head in his bed and his kids heads on spikes
(post is archived)