I guess there's no harm in trying for this year's open source music funding. Deadline is June but they're not taking applications yet. If unsuccessful work on improving my mixing / production quality.
Look, you know how to play music, you have some free time, it cost close to nothing to produce
I say go for it, what do you have to lose? Make songs on youtube, sell them on itune store who cares if it doesn't sell, make a portfolio like that, at some point you'll get quite a catalog, you have something to promote then, some sort of a brand, a product
I mean do that on the side, you lose nothing, let's say it's a hobby for a start, anyway, if you want to make money online, either you come with capital and you invest, sound capital like money, or, you are the capital and there's a phase during which you push the wheel for free basically, just to create an audience, a ring, and it grows over the months / years
Do what you like to do, people sense when you like what you do, and if what you like happens to be what other people like too, then it's good, it's at least a good start
Spread your shit everywhere, and try to sell something in the process, that's the name of the game
I already do it, I broke a wrist in my early 20s so had to stop but it seems to working well enough now, I've been progressing well with my technical exercises the last couple of weeks and am going to push onwards to virtuoso mastery.
But I still suck at mixing / producing, I can't make my ideas sound as gold as they are in my head.
I'm trying to figure out if I can even get funding for a second degree in Music but I don't think so as it isn't a STEM subject.
You make opensource songs, right?
Well then, you can create a github page, it's basically free web hosting for life, for static pages, perfect for a portfolio
Example https://jrleszcz.github.io/
Another example https://thetobias1.github.io/Toby-Hendricks-Music-Portfolio/
It's going to be a domain name like that "mySuperArtistName.github.io
And you can setup the page the way you want, it's a blank space for you, pretty much like a normal website except there's no php/dynamic stuffs server side, and no database
But for a portfolio it's perfect, and it costs nothing, it's for eternity, at least as long as microsoft who owns github now dies... And the domain is safe, it's github, it's reassuring people can go there without being scared to death by russian hacker, what else? You can then add the url link on business cards you make and you give them to people you meet
I mean, it's cool to not have to worry every years to renew a given domain name, or pay for webhosting every months. Even if you die it's still there lol
Now regarding production tools... Of course you have paid pro solutions.. You have to pirate shits... And you have descent opensource programs, such as LMMS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LMMS
>LMMS (formerly Linux MultiMedia Studio) is a digital audio workstation application program. When LMMS is executed on a computer with appropriate hardware, it allows music to be produced by arranging samples, synthesizing sounds, playing on a MIDI keyboard, and combining the features of trackers and sequencers. It supports the Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA) and Virtual Studio Technology (VST) plug-ins (on Win32, Win64,or Wine32).[5] It is free software, written in Qt and released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2).
It features a sharing platform https://lmms.io/
You have ardour also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardour_(software)
>Ardour is a hard disk recorder and digital audio workstation application that runs on Linux, macOS, FreeBSD and Microsoft Windows. Its primary author is Paul Davis, who is also responsible for the JACK Audio Connection Kit. Ardour is intended to be digital audio workstation software suitable for professional use.[citation needed] Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version two or any later version), Ardour is free software.[1] Ardour major version 5.0, with improvements including support for a new tabbed interface, Lua scripting, VCAs, plugin pin management and many other new features, was released in August 2016.
Personally I'm a fan of milkytracker, but... That's not exactly what you want, it's to make chiptunes
(post is archived)