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[–] 12 pts

People from outside Ukraine who volunteer to fight against the Russians are looking for a cheap thrill in their empty lives. They want to kill people, so they will have something to brag about. What the get is a hard dose of reality. The Russians shoot back.

[–] 6 pts

If I was a leader in the Ukrainian army, I'd be worried about the safety of my own men being around those morons. My plan would probably be "airdrop them behind enemy lines with no support and no gear I'd prefer to keep". If they survive, great, they can join the regulars now.

[–] 2 pts

I said it would be part of my 'plan' a few months back. (didn't realize I'd be harvesting the reddit crowd, but in retrospect it's utterly obvious)

I had been talking about taking all the trannies, 'quarantining' them in the same unit, then airdropping them into the hottest hot-zones as "shock-troops".

[–] 0 pt

They've apparently got a non-zero amount of African migrants. Making them Putin's burden or "war crime" would save them so much trouble.

[–] 1 pt

A great use for a bunch of untrained, undisciplined, out-of-shape, retarded, vapid morons who don't speak your language or understand your culture- probing enemy positions. Example- think there's enemy troops in a building up the block? Send your 5 man reddit squad up the street in a wide V formation, while your actual soldiers are observing from cover.

When the reddit squad walks into the enemy's sights, and they get fucking blown away, your soldiers can determine enemy strength/positions, possibly take some shots, form a plan to attack and deal with the threat.

Sun Tzu says "Use the normie force to engage. Use the exceptional force to achieve victory."

[–] 0 pt

Or you could take a page from the Red Army. They'd use their penal battalions to clear minefields before the advance. At running speed.

[–] 0 pt

NPR was reporting that out of the many people applying they were only taking limited amounts. You had to have some type of military or police background I believe.

Not smart to give people with little to no firearms knowledge fully auto weapons, or any weapon really.

Maybe they are taking general volunteers too, but who knows what assignments they get.

[–] 6 pts

Wonder what the A in APC means.

[–] 3 pts

To a McRedditor?

Automatic People Crusher Assault People Constantly Attack Punishment Center

Who knows...

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Annihilating Punks Callously.

Annihilating Pretenders Cheerfully.

Annhilating Pretend Call of Duty Players (APC DP) The DP also pulls double duty, by standing for "double penetration."

It's super effective.

[–] 2 pts

Аvtomat-Kalashnikov Пrobably Кan't?

[–] 4 pts

I really don't know what they expected.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

I do. They expected for it to work like a video game or movie. They expected because they are “morally right” (if even in their own minds), then that means that they will win in whatever they try to do.

The most dangerous thing about leftist dumbfucks for the rest of us, but also for them, is that THEY DON’T LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD in their minds…which is fine until they take that fairytale horseshit out of their diseased minds and manifest it in the actual real world.

In this case, their lunacy has done nothing to hurt me, it’s only hurting them. THAT, I am fine with.

We need more disinformation to convince them that “Ukraine is winning” and “they can become war heroes” by going over and fighting the “totally fake and gay” Russian military.

Someone needs to larp on Reddit to discount stories such as is the focal point of this OP.

We don’t want the leftist idiots to be afraid to go over and “win the war”…we want them to be confident in their “ability” to do so.

[–] 2 pts

They're from the best airsoft teams in their respective counties, why wouldn't they excel while under fire from heavy artillery, air support, and fucking tanks operated by some of the coldest, most ruthless people on the planet?

[–] 3 pts

Can you show me where this is on reddit? This is too funny and I need more lols.

[–] 0 pt

Many thanks!! I tried /ukraineforeignlegion and /UAForeignLegion, but those were dead.

[–] 0 pt

those were dead.

In more ways than one.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

I hope as many redditors go there as possible

[–] 2 pts

We need to be on Faggit, and encouraging these brave Nazi-punchers, I mean neo-Nazis