What the actual fuck? How the fuck is she allowed to be in any office?
She's a nigger commie. That's how. Hopefully she'll get hers at some point.
What the actual fuck? How the fuck is she allowed to be in any office?
She's a nigger commie. That's how. Hopefully she'll get hers at some point.
Hush goy. She is right where (((we))) want her. Besides, she’s black. No one is going to do anything. Look at all the other corrupt nigger mayors. Comes with the territory
Angela Davis spent years in prison for being a leader in the SDS- same thing, bombing shit and people getting injured or killed. That hominid cunt was given a professorship at northwestern university in Chicago.
jews pull that shit all the time. Keeps those violent apes under control, and the jews can then use them to terrorize Whites.
Then they talk about how Trump can't be elected or take office becuase his lawyer may have moved money in a way the dems didn't like. Wtf