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[–] 6 pts (edited )

Non-citizens Should not be allowed to own ANY property in the US. Especially not farm land near military bases...

Not directly, or by proxy (companies, family members, etc).

[–] 2 pts

That seems like such a no brainer…. And it’s the case in so many countries already; it’s not a novel or controversial concept.

[–] 2 pts

Why not just deport them all?

They're "illegal aliens", they are not permitted to remain in the country.

I would ban mortgages, and the purchase of real estate for non-citizens, (maybe even extend to dual citizens). Here in Australia we have massive problems with cashed up immigrants coming in and buying up property, pushing locals out of the market. Our traitorous government does nothing to stop it, it actually encourages it, in addition to allowing major investors (like large superannuation funds) to invest in single family dwellings. They are trying to prevent home ownership by individuals, forcing you to rent from some huge conglomerate that can maintain an incestuous relationship with the government. Fuck all these cunts!

[–] 1 pt

Is it not already? What the actual fuck.