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If only Virginia was an affordable state instead of the swamp's bedroom community. Pretty good start however.

If only Virginia was an affordable state instead of the swamp's bedroom community. Pretty good start however.

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts

Don't criticize Jews was one of his orders

[–] 5 pts (edited )

"omg based, now our Judeo-christian friends will be protected from those hateful anti-semitic WHITE Demoncrats who are nazis/communists".

~cuckservatism Inc.

[–] 3 pts

Every politician is a slave to the Jew. The politicians can’t eliminate them. We, however....

[–] 1 pt

they 'save' us with the right hand from the 'problems' the left hand creates.

[–] 0 pt

This comment reminds me of the feds trying to destroy Pepe by making him gay.

[–] 6 pts

I honestly don't see this saving Virginia. All I can see it doing is providing a buffer for West Virginia to not turn into what Virginia has become. Reminder that the Loudoun County schools that allowed a tranny rapist to rape again (and arrested the father for being the victim of assault by another adult tranny when he spoke out against the cover up at a school board meeting) is in Virginia, and the mother asked the court for leniency for the rapist. The state is still fucked no matter what. It's full of spics now, too.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

the mother asked the court for leniency for the rapist

Holy Christo on a Crutch WTF??? Leniency? A real Mother would make him a eunuch!

[–] 1 pt

A man got beat up by a tranny lol, that must’ve been embarrassing. Is it on video?

Here the police quietly tell you not to interact with the homeless, if you do and they get violent and you fight back you’ll probably end up with a disease they’re all infected with.

Isn’t that common sense?

[–] 3 pts

He was assaulted, not beaten up. He wasn't harmed but didn't fight back and the police arrested him instead of the tranny that assaulted him.

And, yeah, this one day I was riding my bike toward the trails by the river and some asshole adults on kids BMX bikes were weaving through traffic causing both lanes to be backed up. I confronted them and as soon as I saw how red and puffy their eyelids were I knew they were dope junkies and didn't even want to punch them. Gross.

If I were reduced to sleeping on the street, no one better touch me. Can't blame the homeless guy. "Leave sleeping dogs lie"

[–] 6 pts

The jew stuff isn't a surprise for any politician. That part is our fight, it's not going to happen with public officials until one is explicitly elected on an anti-kike platform.

The rest of these are great for their own sake, for setting precident, and for moving the overton window.

[–] 3 pts
[–] 3 pts

I mean it's still Viriginia, that state is probably over 50% feds

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Got to executive order #8 and stopped reading further.

[–] 2 pts

8 is gross tho.

[–] 2 pts

"We're the virginia RNC. We won't pass BILLS for the governor to sign. Instead we'll pass everything by executive action, so its easily rolled back when the governoship flips blue or to a RINO."

[–] 2 pts

Already looking like a Larry Hogan do nothing gov.

Number 8 contrary to number 7, if you protect jews kids suffer. He also invents another position as well as the jewdawg commission. Typical establishment R spending money, supporting the jews, and growing government. Yippie!

[–] 1 pt

“Wanna know what electing a republican can do for your state?” Wow!

[–] 1 pt

Wait...I thought he was a RINO feggit??

[–] 4 pts (edited )

He's not a RINO at all. He's a massive jew-cock-gobbling faggot which is standard for the Republican party.

That's why Gayway pundit, which is literally run by a homosexual manwhore loves him so much.

Look at every "based" republican.

Against masks/vax mandate (the controlled issue that right-wingers are allowed to get angry about.)

Against "CRT" (in the most half-assed ineffectual way possible). They don't even call it "critical race theory" anymore, just the meaningless "CRT". Republican politicians are only against CRT when they can make it about Niggers being the victims. If he passed a law banning ANTI-WHITE hatred being taught in classrooms I'd be in favor of this but republicans won't even condemn the nigger BLM anti-White terrorist who ran over 60-70 White people in November instead they make up retarded conspiracy theories about him just accidentally running them over because of a knife fight that didn't even happen.

And of course while people are celebrating these meaningless victories he's sneaking in even more protections for Jews to keep them from facing consequences for their crimes.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts (edited )

And of course while people are celebrating these meaningless victories he's sneaking in even more protections for Jews to keep them from facing consequences for their crimes.

Christcuchs love the jew protection racket in our country. "God's Chosen"?? The HellACost is the most largest, most successful extortion/blackmail operation on the planet. They given themselves over to the Father of Lies.

[–] 0 pt

The Hall of Cost is the origin myth for modern degenerate society, Religion has been replaced with Hall of Cost, nigger shortsball worship, cheap plastic shit to consooooom, and which politician you like and which one you hate (of course both are owned by jews).

[–] 2 pts

Virginia is for old money families. It's OK if they get to live a free life and learn real history.
The RINOs there could take full control and very little would change elsewhere.

[–] 1 pt

Of course, isn’t he a billionaire elite former hedge fund manger?