Well thats what you do in war dickhead.
He's not talking about war you millenial retard. He's talking about society in general - that each person shouldn't follow laws that they believe are unconstitutional.
Has nothing to do with 'feels' here bud.
It's all fee fees. You don't like it because you're at least smart enough to realize the implication.
We get it. You think whats being done to the public is just "like your opinion man!"
Because actually you agree with it. You don't think its real, you just think its sour grapes, hence your comment about fee fees.
And its because you think we're stupid and that we can't see who and what you are.
Anyone thats been paying attention can demonstrabily see that we can and shouldn't obey laws that are openly illegal and unconstitutional, and that this has nothing to do with opinion.
Likewise anyone whos not sleepwalking can objectively tell you that anyone else who would say "thats just your feelings" could only ever say it because they disagree with the so-called opinions expressed.
We're not stupid.
You're a leftwinger pretending to be one of us.
In otherwords get fucked. I hope you swing from a rope you two-faced dishonest cunt.
We get it. You think whats being done to the public is just "like your opinion man!" Because actually you agree with it.
Yeah, that's why I've got 5,000 rounds of ammo and two firearms per person in the family. I'm totally down for burn, loot, and murder you fucking retard. All you're doing is blackpilling me on the fact that we cannot build a decent society because too many people just cannot wrap their head around the fucking rule of law and freedom and liberty.
And its because you think we're stupid and that we can't see who and what you are.
I don't think you're stupid. I know you're stupid. And what you think you're going to accomplish isn't at all what you're going to accomplish. You say you want a society where truly no one is above the law while at the same time you claim the right to declare yourself above the law. You're an idiot.
You're a leftwinger pretending to be one of us.
You're right. I've spent the last 7 years on voat and poal larping as a human, hating niggers and jews just to build up to this moment to try and trick you. You're so narcissistic you have to be a millenial. God damn how'd that generation get so fucked?
Yeah, that's why I've got 5,000 rounds of ammo and two firearms per person in the family. I'm totally down for burn, loot, and murder you fucking retard
I doubt it. I think you're a liar, a leftwinger, and a fucking cheat. All you do is talk shit about your money and your business, and brag about what you claim to have while saying others live in leftwing shitholes. The truth is I think you're a poor, broke ass, leftwinger, living on the westcoast faggot, bragging about what you don't have to try and impress the people you think you can dupe, and failing badly at it. I think you've claimed these things, specifically because you're projecting, and you don't think we can see it.
too many people just cannot wrap their head around the fucking rule of law and freedom and liberty.
No. I think you can't wrap your empty head around the rule of law and freedom and liberty. For starters there is no rule of law left you fucking retard. The rule of law is dead. Gone. Kaput. And you know that, but you're a dishonest westcoast faggot, probably sitting in a fusion center somewhere, and terrified that Americans are gonna realize we don't have to play by your fucking rigged bullshit game of suppression tactics and "but, but, but THE LAW guys! Why you getting so extreme! Take it easy! Thats not the way."
No fuck you cunt. Get on the ground, on my level. We ain't tolerating your fucking lying bullshit you homo. Fuck all you ADL FBI pieces of subhuman shit.
Fuck your laws. FUck your government. A government of no authority.
Read my fucking lips you lying two-faced motherfucker.
We will not obey mandates.
We will not tolerate more lockdowns.
We will not tolerate further gun restrictions.
We will not stand for any further demonization as terrorists, white supremacists, or "ebil nazis", slanders used to justify violence against us, deprivation against us, the weaponization of the political process against us.
MOLON LABE ya projecting millenial university midwit marxist larping cocksucker.
All you and yours. You want it so bad. Come and fucking get it.
Fuck Joe Biden and
Fuck you.
(post is archived)