Like with the "moderate" muslims, radical leftists will put you in prison for hate speech, "moderate" leftists want the radicals to put you in prison.
Moderate lefties Oxymoron
There are millions of Boomer cat grannies who voted for Biden because "Trump is mean" and they remember the Joe Biden from the 1980s who was a "moderate unifier."
They don't actually support rioting, killing cops, tranny story hour, etc. But they consume tons of mainstream nightly news and you have to remember these media outlets literally lie to them and deny any of that kind of nasty stuff is happening. So they are totally clueless. They also have extremely weak Boomer hubbies who don't correct, educate, and control them when they start believing this nonsense from the Electric Jew.
These dumb normies will only possibly wake up when their houses are torched by a mob and their hubby is shot in broad daylight by a black.
fuck them too they are also the enemy
The moderate lefties are considered far right fascists now. I ought to know, I am one.
Welcome to the Nazi party.
As a proud nazi, I take great offense to you lumping me in with liberals.
If you were a proud "Nazi," you wouldn't have stood for such a slur being used against the NSDAP.
The left has too much ego in the game to admit anything.
They pick willful ignorance and destruction over admitting they were hoodwinked and truly awakening.
They’ve talked waaaay too much shit to have to now go back and eat ass by admitting that they were wrong.
Can we just take a minute?
dudes beard is fuckin GLORIOUS.
Biden isn't speaking woke. He's barely speaking at all.
(post is archived)