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[–] 7 pts

last few decades


[–] 1 pt

holocaust, white guilt, slavery, multiculturalism, transgender women are real women, fat is bad, republicans are conservative I dunno there is a hell of a lot of gaslighting going on

[–] 0 pt

Fat is bad. Get that shit off you. Obesity will kill your ass and lead to tons of health complications.

[–] 2 pts

Eating fat is not bad. It's carbs that kill. Sugar is what makes people accumulate fat deposits.

[–] 0 pt


[–] 4 pts

How, exactly, is he a faggot? The University of Alaska at Fairbanks concluded that it was not possible for WTC 7 to collapse the way it did from a progressive fire as per the official narrative. They found the only way for the building to collapse the way it did required the simultaneous destruction of all interior columns followed briefly by the simultaneous destruction of all exterior columns. The only open question is, was UAF's model of the building accurate and appropriate?

If the UAF is correct, then the official story is bogus. That is, gaslighting.

[–] 2 pts

Tradman is attacking the messenger instead of the message.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

And there are videos of molten metal spewing out the side of the building (youtube.com). Even if it was aluminum from the plane, it wouldn't be glowing like that. To be molten and flowing like that it would have to be ~1000 °C (drjudywood.com)

Just like the election fraud - no one's actually debunked, disproven, or even refuted the facts about 9/11 that don't align with the narrative (of which there are many). They just bury it, don't talk about it, and ridicule anyone who does as a "crazy conspiracy theorist."

[–] 0 pt

When faggots speak truth they're still faggots.

[–] 0 pt


Yes, but he's still right.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks for admitting I’m right.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Trump knew exactly what the outcome would be.

There were agitators (he knew they'd be there, probably knew their plans) but he screwed over his mentally challenged supporters.

Maybe there was some kind of parallel operation going on that justified it but it was pretty bad.

People came from all over the country to hear that nothingburger speech of his and got shit on, by him first, everyone else second.

Why not make it real? start up an actual civil war? We can start by identifying what there is that needs to be done, which the law serves as an obstacle for.

The American revolutionaries started by dumping tea, I have no clue how the southern rebels first acted, nor do i have a clue about the first acts of the rebellion in civil wars in England or France.

But I do know this, once we try to do something as a group, and the police try to stop us, and we fire upon them, there can be established opposing sides in a civil environment that have been willing to use violence against each other, that is how you evolve from a group of criminals to a domestic terrorist force, this is the official designation of every rebel group in any civil war situation, the American founding fathers were domestic terrorists for the cause of the political representation of the American colonies, and later for separatism of those colonies from the British Empire.

From there, once there is open conflict, the rest of the world will shake, as other cells of our rebel group will form in other countries across the americas, europe, asia, and oceania, all with similar causes, it will be the first "world civil war", where instead of the whole developed world going to war against each other, they will all be going to war against themselves.

This is the only hope of salvation from a totalitarian socialist dystopia like the ussr or china being forced upon us, everyone who stands up for white people against the slander of the jews, regardless of their views on any other subject, is a potential ally who should be welcomed to the fight.

Remember, the American revolutionaries fought for one cause and ended up with securing another, they did not expect to get a country out of the deal, so we should keep our ideology loose enough that a lot of different types of allies who side with us on the essential causes of this fight, that being the overthrow of the government by force and the re-establishment of the government on the terms of the people (particularly the white people that reject submitting themselves to the abuses of the powerful, who are the most aggrieved party among our cause, and which must remain the demographic it most represents), the more who fight for us, the more of a chance we have, we must not tolerate those who feel they have no place in this conflict, and we must scoop up those who are more sympathetic to us than to the other side, make it clear that there are two choices here.

Expect a lot of traitors to be among you, have a system of information and communication that makes it hard for infiltrators among us to sabotage our operations, a lot f stuff must be kept on a need to know basis and information that is given must be tracked, as to who knows which bit of info, and who doesn't, then we can find the source of any leaks a lot easier and punish the leakers for their betrayal (incompetence is no excuse, treat every action that undermines our operations or places our operatives in danger as if it were fully intended).

Each cell must assign different roles to their members, some go out and fight, some stay under cover and covertly provide support, others serve as the ones who deliver things or prepare things to aid those who actively carry operations out, you must always be getting people who are doing what they feel they are willing to do, it's better to have some lesser support from someone than none at all, and having a large population of sleepers or covert actors waiting within the population at all times is a very useful thing to have, some of these will stay in relation to the rebellion for long enough that they might become more bold, graduating over time from someone who shelters your soldiers, to someone who fights alongside them.

Fighting must be done in a guerilla style, cheap tricks and dirty moves must be the go to, as every loss hurts the rebels more then the establishment, but at the same time, the longer the conflict is waged, the more attrition will favor the rebels, the idea is to drag it out, keep the control of the regime incomplete for long enough and it loses legitimacy.

You can start setting up your own government while the other one is still officially in charge, this is a good idea, since your government will have grown from nothing, and thus i terms of a bar graph, your power is rising while the establishment's is diminishing, lots of people will want to bet on a rising newcomer instead of on an old society that is being challenged, we just need to show them that we are not a flash in the pan that will die out before we could accomplish anything, we get investors and benefactors, we can use their support to expand ourselves and enhance our abilities, eventually we will be able to fight like military forces rather than like rats hiding in the walls.

This stuff will be happening in other countries as well, and we can benefit from sending support their way when we can afford to, for example the American rebels can arm the Canadian ones, the Swiss rebellion can arm the rebels fighting in Germany, and so on.

It only takes about 10% of a population to rebel to make a significant threat to the incumbent government, and that government will only have access to a small measure of it's population to put the rebellion down, add to that that most people who fight in any civil conflict will join their sides of a civil war after it has officially begun, so the bulk of our army is going to be strangers to us for the time preceding the official outbreak of the conflict, this is not a detail to overlook in it's importance.

Preparing the way is important too, people need to anticipate a historical armed conflict before it happens, people need to not be surprised that now they live in a warzone, they need to know who the sides are and what they stand for before anything properly begins, this helps the rebellion because it means people will recognize that the power of the state is being directly challenged by martial means, and that this is not a political conflict, but one where people fight and kill for their beliefs. it grants a lot of legitimacy to the challenger as a political rival, even as the rival is using bullets, not ballots, to change the positions of power.

"Isn't this what Soros and his friends want?" No, their highest preference is for us to be quietly overtaken by the new world order without a fight, A color revolution has always been the "Plan B" for us. "but it still is one of the plans" Sure, but we don't have any other options available to us, this is the only thing we haven't tried, and a lot of money is being spent on hiring agents to discourage this solution by pretending to be on our side, from both within and without the Q community. Operation GLOW is the name of it, it involves a bunch of shills being paid by Jewish organizations to do nothing other than pretend to be "Nazis" and discourage illegal activity among those "Nazi" communities. As for it being their "Plan B", the reason they have it as their backup is because it's risky, this is going to start as a color revolution, but it might not end that way.

Remember that Hitler and the NSDAP were initially meant to be controlled opposition before they went rogue, gone was the Marxist interpretation of socialism and in came a new definition of the word, it became racialized and fascist, the communists were purged from within it, and it was truly of the people, and against the enemy of the common man, this was most embodied in the hostility to Jews and their Bolsheviks.

Christianity was initially intended to be a schism within Judaism that would remain under Jewish control and be dedicated to the Jews, it's intentions were to replace the existing religious structure of the Jews with another one that would rule over and serve the same racial community, it went rogue and now has become an ideology that is firmly established as being of the Gentiles, who gave it a new shape that suited them and their interests.

Jews start up some group that consists mostly of Gentiles that they think will be their puppets, but the strings come loose and the puppets use the energy and freedom they were given to turn against their masters, this happens time and time again, at least 109 times before the arrival of the industrial age, and the Jews know that this is a risky game for them to play.

So they prefer the "Plan A", which is taking over the economy, politics, and culture, and leading the Gentiles to their doom like sheep, rather than putting them on a leash and pulling them along. They prefer we not struggle, but they have a backup plan in case we do, it's a failsafe for when their main engine of destruction goes down.

We need to bring things to the point where that failsafe is relied upon, and then make that fail as well, we can undo the "color revolution" by doing as the NSDAP did, and conducting internal purges of subversive elements while remaining self-aware enough to spot someone with a bad idea before they gain influence within our movement in order to co-opt it for some shadowy kikes.

"Plan C" also exists, and that is the transformation of a civil war into an international war, but this is complicated by the existence of similar civil conflicts in al the other countries, so long as we support our fellow rebels in other countries, and they support us in turn, we can ensure that no country can effectively go to war against another due to the domestic conflicts they themselves will be facing, international solidarity is key, so the Jews have prepared a strategy for this.

They want to break up White Nationalism into smaller parts that operate independently, not as a single international group, they do this by perverting our own rhetoric, talking about divisions by White ethnicities or nationalities in the same way that White Nationalists talk about the incompatibility between the races, dredging up cultural differences or historical conflicts as if they were deal-breakers. They aren't of course, anyone who brings up "Harper's Weekly" articles and cartoons as an argument that the Irish were not seen as being White is a total distortion, and talking about how a union on the basis of race is somehow a threat to ethnic or national identities within our race is yet another lie used to divide us so that they can move any international conflict into a series of localized ones that they can handle much more effectively (like in World War 2, where they could simply use the countries they controlled to crush the ones that freed themselves from their dominance).

Another line of manipulation was using religious divisions against us, The White Nationalist community has always had three large religious categories within it, Christians (I'll also include those Gnostics, Deists and Pantheists here as well, since they tend to have very similar opinions where it counts), Atheists ("Agnostic" is just a word for the most commonly believed in variation of Atheism, made up by a kike who thought some specific part of something deserved its own term, the largest part, so that he could cause the most chaos among Atheist Gentiles), and Pagans (Reconstructionist Pagans that practice indigenous faiths as closely to their original practitioners as possible are most likely to be on the right, these are the Pagan Celtics, Germanics, Mediterraneans, etc. the guys who are just continuing the religions people had believed in and practiced in Pre-Christian times and more likely to hold some true faith in the Gods of their ancestors, whereas the Esoteric Pagans of Post-Christian Pagan religions, like Wiccans, or ones that mix up parts of multiple Pagan faiths together, even though they contradict one another and come from different people who had wholly separate mythologies and cosmologies, are more likely to be on the left, and more likely to be of the opinion that "belief makes reality", or more likely are of the opinion that religion is wholly personal and individualized, simply believing in what they want to be true, because for them that makes it so, or are just trying to be a special snowflake and get satisfaction from being "different", like "yeah, I believe in god, and she is a black lesbian, also only I believe in her").

The Jewish agents know how bad it would appear to just say "let's evict these religions from our movement", instead they focus on building the hostility amongst each group by way of implications of the purity or superiority of one religion in that they are more compatible with White Nationalism than the others, or going the other way, and dropping implications of the incompatibility of some religious group as incompatible with White Nationalism, s long as they take a stand for the interests of their race, even if they adopt some extra-racial religion like hinduism, buddhism, tengrism, taoism, shintoism, or some native american/aboriginal religion, they can still be considered to have a place among us (though that doesn't mean that I won't be looking at them as a bit of an oddity, I've never encountered these guys, but I'm sure a few of them exist somewhere).

We see both of these strategies all over /pol/ and poal, divide and conquer, where all groups are being shit on and mocked, but each thinks that the only the ones who talk about about their particular group are the shills, and that their demographic is the "True" Aryan demographic, while the others are kikes playing pretend. This is the type of thinking that the Jews seek to create with their shills. So that if Plan C comes around, they get World War 3, which they can win rather than the first World Civil War, which they will have a significant amount of trouble fighting against.

Over-Specialization is just as much a killer to us as the generalization of the individualists, if they can push us to one extreme, they will push us to the other, White Nationalism is the medium path that is the only one which will lead us to freedom. We can break up into smaller groups once the common enemies are neutralized as threats and we have our countries back, nothing about a racial identity will make all the other traits that comprise you go away or diminish in importance, right now Whites of all religions, nationalities, and ethnicities are being threatened, and we need to stand together on those grounds, before we have the luxury of moving onto giving consideration to our sub-divisions.

It's a good test on how easily someone takes the program. When I talk to someone and they call it an insurrection or sedition, etc, I know they are too softminded to talk to.

Also funny how all those people that talk about fighting the rich or helping the working man bullshit are always the ones that believe it was in insurrection. They are playing right into the hands of the people they are larping at fighting.

[–] 0 pt (edited )


Yesterday, @sunrisemvmt FLOODED Congress to demand our Select Committee on a #GreenNewDeal.
✅ 1,000 youth
✅ 30 arrests
✅ 8 NEW cosponsors, repping
✅ 5.6 MILLION Americans, in
✅ ONE day
Yes: In ONE day, 1,000 activists impacted 5.6 million Americans.
(Update: it’s now 140 arrests)

AOC Dec 11 2018

Of course she deleted it. (twitter.com) The last time Archive.org captured it (web.archive.org) was Oct 24, 2020. Why did she delete it 2 years after she posted it?

[–] 0 pt

Who cares? Does anyone care anymore?

[–] 0 pt

You know, Smithers, we do have to do something about those people whom vote Republican but do not accept the Democratic party agenda. The Republican Party people? Oh, they're fine, and besides, we would have to work on Christmas day without them. But it is these... these voters (hisses in disgust) we have to do something about.

Why not make it real? start up an actual civil war? We can start by identifying what there is that needs to be done, which the law serves as an obstacle for. The American revolutionaries started by dumping tea, I have no clue how the southern rebels first acted, nor do i have a clue about the first acts of the rebellion in civil wars in England or France.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Democrats are lying about the extent of it, but lies are coming from the right, too.


Holy fucking shit. Liberals are 1000% worse but I won’t be lied to be “conservatives” either.

I hate liars.

I was there - in those pinned threads - they spoke openly of AnoThEr 1776!!!! for WEEKS.

Stop lying.

There was no master plan like Dems are saying but Trump supporters openly called the TIME, and the PLACE and the ACTION.

People can’t bitch about BLM and then be hypocrites about this. There’s a special place in hell for BLM, and the Trump supporters aren’t nearly as violent but I guess they sure can lie.

[–] 3 pts

What violence? They walzed into the building then didn't do shit.

[–] 0 pt

and i guess we're also supposed to forget the dimocrats PROMOTED violence against Trump and his supporters for 4 years, huh?