I know a guy (known him for 20 years) whose a die hard leftist...100% brainwashed to the point he won't even discuss things that aren't mainstream media propoganda talking points.
he's always online whining about his kids meds and that he has T1D. Kid's now 14.
I hope his fucking payment for this drug is at 500 as well. Only through pain do we learn.
Fucking parents running around spewing out private medical info about their parents into public internet sites, wtf?
Twitter doesn't need to know what kind of diabetes your children have. Nobody needs to know that except: the parents/family, the doctor, and the afflicted.
They don't think ahead. They don't realize that what they tweet today about their 2 year old's inability to stop shitting their pants will be available to be read 10 years later. And then they get all upset and raise hell against the school when their child is bullied for being "poopy pants" or "diabetes kid" or w/e cruel things kids cook up. They'll act like it's the school's fault, it's the other kids' parents' fault, but they'll never consider the possibility that it's their own fault for putting this information into the public in the first place.
Stupid take. Diabetes is not poopypants dipshit.
You're missing the point- parents shouldn't be broadcasting their children's health conditions into the fucking ether for likes. Diabetes should be no exception.
Dirty laundry the new virtue signal. Plus muh viral video
500 is the copay, seen other videos where people are now paying 2000
there are two types of die-hard lefties. either rich or poor. which is he?
He's working poor. Puts in 60 hours in a job that keeps his hands as tough as leather. Most people who are "middle class" are just huge in debt because they are fucking awful with economics (home economics especially) and don't have a budget. This guy pulls in $50K+ year and spends $53K+year.
btw, most union folks are huge leftists as well. (both private and public)
(post is archived)