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[–] 12 pts

lol i'm not a zionist tho.

[–] 1 pt

We all is and we all gay TOO

[–] 5 pts

2021 is the year we all gay

[–] 3 pts

people thought 2020 was bad. It was just the beginning of a complete clownworld where nothing is ever normal again. It's actually amazing how simply they destroyed the economy and created a culture of fear to create the New World Order and globalist open borders all governed by the UN and WHO with Communist China being the only remaining superpower after they sabotage Russia.

The US is no longer a Constitutional Republic so it's finished. Now they will target Putin like they did Trump.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts (edited )

Nobody can see through just how hard she’s trying?

I mean, she’s not as bad as liberals, but she’s not one of “me“ whatever the fuck I am. She’s nuts. She says things that aren’t true without checking her facts first, then she backs down when she’s called out, but still sidles up next to the people who support the things that she said that weren’t true.

Then she’s a gullible dipshit that believes in Internet superspy fairy faggots that are going to come save us all. No thanks. Take crazy somewhere else.

She does more harm than good when she repeats things that aren’t true and claims that’s the “conservative viewpoint.”

This came off as more harsh than I meant it I think, but she sure is in a hurry to presume she speaks for me. And you. And millions of other people. We will decide that, not her. She won her office. Let’s see what she does. But she’s kind of overdramatic and that’s usually not a good sign.

[–] 4 pts

All you described is women....."on the right"

Repeal the 19th and these problems go away.

[–] 2 pts

Except that men passed the 19th ammendment. How does that work?

[–] 2 pts


[–] 0 pt

Did they? State legislatures had wahmen on them decades before the 19th.

[–] 2 pts

She’s not going to be everything you want. She’s going to have a boomer take on everything. But they hate her, she’s not one of them. Id rather have anyone of the q tards on this forum then some scumbag neocon. They are retarded but they have principles.

[–] 2 pts

This is the same bullshit they said about trump before we found out he was a do-nothing plant.

Don't be disappointed when I say 'told you so' and she stabs her followers in the back.

[–] 2 pts

I dont think he was a do nothing plant. He was not everything I wanted. He wasnt controlled oppo tho and Id rather have him than biden.


Can we fucking distinguish this broad from the Clintons or the Bidens or the Bushes!? FFS?

[–] 1 pt

The problem is not that they're do nothings, is that they're not doing the thing they do for you. The critical error is believing they're there for you, as if you matter to them. You don't.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

its basically the same shit with a different motivation: boomer/qtards are all are pro-diversity (or at least "don't see race" patriot) and pro-israel. qtards are naive and delusional instead of selfish and evil--and they will never accomplish dick while they dance in circles avoiding race and jews.

stick to the plan faggots

[–] 0 pt

boomer/qtards are all are pro-diversity

No they arent. I commented on that great awakening verse regularly. There were tons of racists and antisemites there.

Decide who your enemy is.

Decide who your potential allies are.

but I want better allies! They should all think exactly like me! Wahhh.

Work with what you got.

A jew would never approach the problem this way. They would say “hey I think Ive found a group that might be sympathetic to my ends. I will hypnotize them with my jew powers to make them do what I want. Tough times call for tough measures.

[–] 0 pt

She's doing it for a reason. She's making "conspiracy theorists" crazy again after four years of being right.

[–] 0 pt

you're a slow walking kike faggot.

tell me what you think happened to building 7.

[–] 0 pt

I mean if by "you" she means normie America, you just described them.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Isn't this the kind of thing trump wanted us to believe? "Tee hee they aren't mad at me, they're mad at you!"

[–] 1 pt

Wait, they didn't hate Trump?

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Yes and he still wasn’t “one of us.”

Obviously I would take him over a democrat 100 times out of 100, but he’s not on our side. He proved that in what he prioritized while he was in office.

I would like to think that if “we” were in charge, we would have secure elections. We wouldn’t have turned the keys over to a fucking cheater. “We” wouldn’t be forcing people to wear masks. “We” would not have allowed Pennsylvania and Michigan and New York and other states to suspend the constitutional rights of their citizens without facing consequences. “We” wouldn’t have shrugged and mumbled about states rights as we watched.

“We” would’ve arrested those governors and would barely have waited long enough to explain the legality of how and why. The people needed to be protected, the rights of the people, they were assaulted by their governors. While he sat there and watched.

Yeah, he’s “one of us.” Fuck him.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

rich NYC life-long democrat

longtime friends of the Clintons and other unsavory characters

isn't actually /ourguy/

Amazing how people fail to see it

[–] 0 pt

Lifelong democrat turns out to be a terrible right wing president

It's strange how water is wet.

I'm not convinced that "they" actually do hate trump; at least, not the "they" who matter. It's easy to shape a unified narrative when you and five of your buddies own almost every media outlet in the country, and the average normie-on-the-street believes whatever MSM says without reservation. Example: how many people still think that George of the Fentanyl died from having that cop kneel on his neck (and what a picture-perfect moment from that cell phone video)? How mad would those people be if you pointed out (factually, mind you) that ol' George was a dead-man-walking long before any knees were applied?

I'm sure the mindless parrots reading the news (written by someone who received the script, in turn, from "on high") truly dislike trump, but they're every bit a brainless normie as any random fuck on the street.

[–] 2 pts

How mad would those people be if you pointed out (factually, mind you) ...

"If you want to upset a good man, tell him a lie. If you want to upset an evil man, tell him the truth."

[–] 0 pt

But that is literally true.

Tee hee they hate us.

Tee hee we put him in power and thats why they cast him as satan.

Of course they hate us. As for trump, I wrote in reply to another comment a bit of tinfoil-hattery:

I'm not convinced that "they" actually do hate trump; at least, not the "they" who matter. It's easy to shape a unified narrative when you and five of your buddies

(Edit: should have said "fellow tribesmen" rather than "buddies," perhaps)

own almost every media outlet in the country, and the average normie-on-the-street believes whatever MSM says without reservation. Example: how many people still think that George of the Fentanyl died from having that cop kneel on his neck (and what a picture-perfect moment from that cell phone video)? How mad would those people be if you pointed out (factually, mind you) that ol' George was a dead-man-walking long before any knees were applied?

I'm sure the mindless parrots reading the news (written by someone who received the script, in turn, from "on high") truly dislike trump, but they're every bit a brainless normie as any random fuck on the street.

Trump was never "our guy" or "one of us" or "on our side." He always was one of them. I was convinced durning the 2016 campaign that he was a plant, and I'm yet more convinced now that he "won" in 2016 to set the wedge further, polarize people even more than they were, with the aim of pushing someone to "c'mon, do a domestic terrorism" (and look what narrative they're pushing now!).

[–] 1 pt

Trump was never "our guy" or "one of us" or "on our side."

Maybe but he was not one. He wasnt supposed to win.

You probably never met a conspiracy you didn’t hump the leg of.

I personally find that theory to be ridiculous. They’re not that good.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts (edited )

"hello, fellow republicans. israel is our greatest ally. the USA should nuke iran. we owe it to sheldon adelson."

^ neocon politicians in z.o.g. ^

[–] 3 pts

They're so fucking weak and psychotic that literally any little threat to them is something they need to destroy in any way.

[–] 2 pts

Being blond is a threat to them

[–] 0 pt

Yah mane just like meh being 1/2 black and 1/2 asain coz Eddie Murphy mah daddy

[–] 2 pts

What is her stance on jews?

[–] 0 pt

She probably thinks that their unwashed, circumsized dicks taste rather good.

Gotta do something, have some kind of dirt, to get into office nowadays.

[–] 1 pt

She’s not one of them. You. Can tell by the way they treat her.

She’s a step in the right direction.

[–] 1 pt

"I am on--" BOTH of your tits or GTFO!

On a more serious note: talk about the last-fucking-indian....

She either the craziest, most lonely, ultra-Patriot or she's a work.

I'm still hopeful this chick is for real.

"...f-f-fool me once.....uhh....don't get fooled again!"

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