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[–] 8 pts

Look at this website, the vote counts here reflect reality, the amount of comments are mostly actual people. Assholes here have to work to make this place a palatable shithole in the mess of AI generated screenshots.

Reddit does what Biden did with the election. Artificially boost vote counts with algorithms based on how much the advertising partner is sucking reddit's mangled jew pp.

You honestly think a thread with 340 comments had 56 thousand people decide that was worth liking? That it was worth spending 4 dollars in awards and stupid shit like that? They think you're stupid, and a lot of you actually ARE.

We already know they censor the shit out of that place, hell they maybe censoring the shit out of this place too. Just another containment vessel like voat used to be. They know they can't stop ideas from spreading but if they can play their game of telephone maybe they can distort it and appropriate it.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

poal isn't yet on the radar of the people who shit up social media.
their current focus of attack is parler and gab.

when you start seeing association with a social media site used as an insult then you know they're working to shit it up...
it's their standard plan.

oh you're alt-right fake news. oh you're an infowarrior. breitbart? really? you're a qanon. a flatearther! go back to 4chan you incel. i bet you're a parler user cope more. you need some more tinfoil you proud boy, trumpie, conservatard. etc etc etc...

they all share the same programming. so when it happens it happens large.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Poal will never be on the radar because it's not worth the trouble. It's a small handful of people constantly accusing each other of being Jews for years on end. There's literally no way to weaponized or subvert that because it's retarded.

[–] 7 pts

...sounds like something a jew would say

[–] 1 pt

And niggers. Don't forget the niggers. You faggot.

[–] 1 pt

I don't get accused of being a jew.

[–] 0 pt

Poal will never be on the radar because it's not worth the trouble.

You’re immediately suspicious. 8chan is still spammed daily by paid shills despite only having 50 real people using all of its boards. Why? BECAUSE NOTHING IS TOO SMALL. That’s how the jewish ideology works. No external social (economic, governmental, etc.) comparison to the jewish system can be allowed, because it would prove the system is false.

[–] 4 pts

This is what (((Snowden))) is. It's also called a limited hangout. Admitting what has been found out about you, but admitting only enough to quash any further suspicion in a way that seems as though it's a leak. This isn't the same thing or an identical method as it's clearly not a leak, but the general method and idea is the same.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

And don't forget the really important part of the rhetoric where they say: "And there's precedent for this." (proceeds to give a bullshit account of history that legitimizes the admission by showing it's happened at least once before with the implication you survived it or America survived it, and we're better for it!)

I cannot tell you how many times I've pointed these 'controlled explosions' out to people (i.e. they deny it for months, news finally admits the conspiracists were right), and liberal NPC's just say: "Oh, this has been going on forever! It's nothing new!"

[–] [deleted] 2 pts (edited )

They weren't rigging it, they were fortifying it.

It wasn't stolen, it was saved.

It wasn't breaking the laws, it was changing the laws.

The narrative control is out in full force. When the truth can't be suppressed, they make the sheeple become the defenders for them. When people are instilled with the hero complex, they'll justify anything to keep thinking like they're some comic book saviors in movies.

I must say I'm impressed with how they concede without actually conceding. It's no wonder "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"

The media is essentially feeding their defensive arguments to the brainwashed like a teleprompter for politicians.

[–] 2 pts

Stop being ruled by consensus and think for yourself.

Every mainstream source is the equivalent to just ONE person.

[–] 1 pt

Quick reminder that absolutely no one is ever going to fight back against any of this.

[–] 2 pts

Good to see you here friend. Just remember that Jesus is the answer and always will be. God bless.

[–] 1 pt

You're right TallestShil, I should just give up... it's getting sleepy in here. Anyone else sleepy?

[–] 0 pt

How about you prove me wrong, then?

[–] 2 pts

You wouldn't give me your address anyway.

[–] 1 pt

Sort of like how they FUNDED the creation of the covid virus in a wuhan lab through the CDC, but then tricked conservatives in to claiming that covid was “only the flu” just to get out of lockdown?

Check amongst yourselves.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Do you still eat meals outside of your home? Even if you order for pickup, someone who you dont know (who may have covaids) prepared your meal which you will ingest into your body. How do you know that employee didnt wash their hands or sneeze near your fries accidentally? I cant help but just think about the millions of people who right now are terrified of this virus yet whom still eat food outside of their homes and cant put two and two together... all the while virtue signaling about wearing masks and social distancing, claiming those who dont follow these ridiculous orders are evil conspiracy nuts. The sheer cognitive dissoanance is amazing.

[–] 1 pt

its like you missed the point of my comment.

The CDC knew wuhan was hybridizing coronaviruses. They sent them millions of dollars in funding. They collaborated with them.

Its a very dangerous bug for seniors. It killed a million people in a year.

There is a cure. Its been available since day 1. All virologist knew HCQ would work. The government spread disinformation about effective treatments to exacerbate the epidemic and have justification for a mail in election.

Not talking about restaurants at all.

[–] 0 pt

It seems that you are operating under the idea that the virus is highly dangerous. While I agree with you that the media in conjunction with CDC collaborated for funding ( a hole lot of funding) I personally believe that covid19 simply is no more dangerous than ifluenza or any of the other strands of viruses weve experienced in the recent past (h1n1, bird-flu, etc). The only difference is the level of mass control and manipulation has been used in this case during an era of exceeding institutional corruption from virtually all sides to push agendas.

This isnt to dismiss your hyopthesis which may very well be true as well... but in reality who knows. The problem is that its impossible to know fact from fiction due to the malfeasance of those at the very top of our institutions who are clearly corrupt.

My restaurant example wasnt designed to be a shot at you specifically but just pointing out a basic idea of how ludicrous this entire circus is.

[–] 0 pt

lol i still not a soul who's had the CovidHoax and I live in the 3rd largest city in the nation. In fact, when the hoax broke I'd spent an entire week at a Korean Spa in and out of sweat lodges/hot tubs, etc... and still haven't caught so much as the sniffles and to this day I pump the gas and eat fries with the same hand.

[–] 0 pt

I knew 5 people that died. Everyone I know knows someone who died.

[–] 1 pt

Because you're telling them about the people you know who died you mongoloid.

You might also be old as fuck and have friends who are old as fuck. So that's going to factor in as well to how likely it is you're going to know someone who has died.

Both my parents caught Covid. Both are over 60. And they both got over it fine probably because they take good care of themselves and are not fat fucks.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

Sad that our tax dollars funded kung flu.

But, our tax dollars are also paying for the propaganda on the TV too, so...

[–] 0 pt

Some controlled explosion. This article radicalized everyone on the right and some in the center too.

To what effect? Everyone is still wearing masks and obeying.

People on the right have been talking about different events “red pilling millions” for the entire four years of the Trump administration and beyond.

By now we shouldn’t have anyone left who isn’t redpilled. Where are all these people who ArE So BasEd NOw anD rED pIllEd!!!!!!!!!

Where are they?

[–] 0 pt

Everyone is still wearing masks and obeying.

Uhhh... no.

[–] 0 pt

Where do you live? I live in Republican town. People walk around everywhere out here without masks. Do you live in Democrat city?

[–] 0 pt

Everyone who could be red pilled has been.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

If that were true, we wouldn't be here.

The red-pill isn't a single idea, it's a JOURNEY of the truth which was stolen from us all.

[–] 0 pt


[–] 0 pt

What does that mean?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Like how Weinstein was the sacrificial lamb of the Hollywood Rape industry. A limited hangout is when something can not be ignored anymore. When this happens, (((they))) will find a way to reveal things with a level of finality and move on.
