Well this is the way I see it. A few things.
We cannot take all of America back. Upset? Me too. Blame the men of your family of fighting age during the time of George Lincoln Rockwell. They were too cowardly.
A White man in the south or southwest surrounded by enemy niggers or mestizos trying to fight is foolhardy.
We need to migrate to the pacific northwest to organize, separate from the union and then fight back.
There is no painless or peaceful solution to our issues.
There is NO political solution.
We cannot take all of America back but we can take back a slice of it for now.
We (White folk) are a persecuted minority without any civil rights at all.
I agree, it would be useful to pull back, organize, and then reconquer our country.
It will just be its own challenge to cultivate a sense of community among Whites, an identity.
But perhaps as Whites become less and less numerous it will become much easier for us to see eachother as a team.
Maybe so? But we need to come home to the northwest and see each other as a team. That might take time.
It probably will take time. "It came to them very late, when the Saxon began to hate," afterall. The future is uncertain.
But as long as there are sane Whites left, it's not over. I believe as the demographic change progresses and Whites face the realities of being a minority, they will finally become racially conscious. It will be painful, as you said, but if that's what it takes to open the eyes of Whites, so be it.
Pacific Northwest is the most chucked place in America
Where to go then? Got any better ideas?
Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia Northern Florida
Wyoming and overtake Utah to make it a normal state. Utah is gorgeous but the Mormons give it a creepy vibe - Like the Truman show or something.
I've been suggesting moving inland, Coastal regions are more highly infected. Its the port of entry and they stray from the coast, but not the lowbees, they stay there forever.
I also just dont wanna go back to Bremerton lol. and Portland people are fucking weird even if they are white.
Agree to disagree and all meet in Texas?
Well, in order for us to be self sustaining as a homeland we need access to water/coast. The northwest would fill that void........The northwest was not my first choice either but it checks all the boxes....
A White man in the south or southwest surrounded by enemy niggers or mestizos trying to fight is foolhardy.
I disagree with the southern part. Whites in the south still outnumber the coons 3 to 1.
Agree the South will rise again Alabama, Georgia and northern Florida have plenty of wilderness and farmland.
and White people that know what niggers are.
In some parts perhaps but many parts the blacks outnumber the Whites and you know it. We and when I mean we I mean the pro White movement have been doing NOTHING for the last several decades. Whites have done nothing in regards to fighting them and there are too many of them and too few of us. We need our own homeland/ safe space. The northwest is as good a place as any and we need to migrate there in order to survive.
Those are not large areas of the south. Even in the black belt there are a few counties that are majority black, but surrounding counties are very white.
The majority of niggers live in the cities. We just need to cut off the cities. Unite the red counties.
What we really need to do is stop being silent and start shouting back at the people that are driving the conversation.
If you want to sell this to Whites then there is one way to get them all on board. I'm telling you as a native PNW-er who has lived and worked in most states there is a single road.
Offer a government that will defend the citizens individual rights. I'm talking full allodial title land ownership, no split estates mineral, water etc. , gold/silver standard, zero income taxes, zero land taxes sales tax on new items is fine no food taxes. No wealth redistribution for any reason. Full 1a and 2a. This means if you can afford a battle ship. Then you can have one and buy it anonymously.
Start with the US constitution and strengthen that shit up. Modernize it so there is no (((muddied waters))) of Internet stuff.
How to pay for it all? Easy as pie. MAKE IT A TAX HAVEN FOR FOREIGNERS. Not kidding. Absolutely mandatory banking and financial privacy punishment is death for violators. Ban all treaties that break this. Every unit of Currency will flow into this new nation. All enemy nations will lose their tax base. You shelter foreign money for a tiny yearly percentage of foreign stored wealth. You get to tax the world and not yourself and the world. Will rush to pay you because it is less than they get raped for by their own nations.
Who says I want all Whites? Not all Whites will do it. Only a small portion of the freethinking Whites will. I am not a conservative and I will not be selling it that way. A conservative only cares about his money, a White nationalist cares about his race. Obviously a system of government favorable to the White race is important but that will come later. What we need to do is focus on Whites getting their asses here. Once the first 1,000 or so Whites come in and other Whites notice that it's happening then things will get cooking. This will take time.
I didn't say a white-only nation. I said that is how to sell it to Whites. There is a huge difference. Funny thing is it will be off-putting to colored folks (not all) because of the zero gibs policy. The ones who are smart will stay. Have a citizens bond that pays people to leave permanently. Exit-gibs. The trash will take it. Good riddance.
half a sentence in to your 2nd paragraph and I was on board.
buuut then I read the rest. Nice ideas. Plausible even.
Thing is... USA doesnt take kindly to creating new nations within its borders, and the ones outside its borders are currently occupied.
If you can get us to a habitable planet though, I'm in.
(post is archived)